DaSu wrote:
ib516 wrote:
For 250/2500/350/3500 diesels, I'd suggest avoiding the 2003 - 2007 Ford 6.0L Diesel.
Here's why
When you start shopping the used market, you will find they APPEAR to be a bargain. There's a reason they sell for less.
The 2008 - 2010 6.4L diesel Ford used was somewhat better, but I'm not a big fan of that one either, mostly due to it's propensity for self destruction earlier than it should.
There's really no major "avoid this" truck on my list when it comes to "half tons" 150/1500 series. They are all pretty reliable.
The gas engine 250/2500s from the big 3 are all good choices too IMO.
Once again, I would like to ask what the results of the court hearing on the 6.0 that you mentioned in "here's why" in your above post?Thanks . Life is Good
No idea.
If you're familiar with civil litagation (any civil litagation), you'll know these things usually take YEARS to wind their way through the system. BTDT.