Forum Discussion

rangerjean's avatar
Apr 12, 2018

What to expect

Hi I am new here and new to RV world to this forum. Please forgive me if I have posted incorrectly. I have been a truck camper/horse camper for many years so I have some knowledge but we are purchasing a new travel trailer and I am unsure what to expect as far as additional purchases.
It seems that the unit does not include a sewer hose, any information on what is best would be appreciated.
We will be picking up our new Forest River Sonoma on Saturday...pretty excited.
  • Yes, keep ALL your previous camping items from the horse trailer and see what works on the new camper. Then replace with new a little at a time as needed because of wear and tear.
  • I think I am going to love it here. So much good advice and the best is about attitude and humor. Having camped with horses for years I know about humor. Although I will miss my thousand pound camp friends, I know it will be much easier just caring for those of us with two legs. Thanks you guys
  • Pencil and note pad.

    Go camping. Write down stuff you think will make things easier, quicker or better.

    Build extra shelf in garage at home to put stuff you buy that you end up discovering is not needed after all. That's where the sense of humor comes in handy.
  • Thanks for the speedy and helpful replies. The dealer is not including a starter kit so I am sort of on my own there. I think I might just keep my old sewer hose from my trade in ancient truck camper as the add ons are adding up quickly. I lived and camped in Oregon for 65 years and love to see a reply from my beloved state.
  • Dealer hopefully will give you a starter kit. Use the cheap sewer hose until you figure out what works for you. People will tell you to buy a rhino sewer hose. Frankly I have seen more of them in the dumpster than any other brand. What ever you do, stick with a specific system. Get a multi fit elbow, connectors to join more than one hose and a decent hose support.
    As for potable water hoses. Start with a 25 foot, maybe two. Get the 5/8 hose for better flow.
    Electrical. Depending on the trailer, 30A, get a heavy duty extension cord and a few adapters.
    Back on water, get a brass "Y" and a good brass regulator. You will never regret this.
    Leveling. I like and use 2x6 boards cut about 24 inches. Cheap, durable, and if you happen to drive off and leave them, no big deal. I also have an assortment of 4x4s to use under the stabilizers.
    Thats a good start.
  • my top items:
    Progressive Industries EMS
    Watts/or other quality adjustable water pressure regulator
    Oxygenics shower head
    X chocks
    Reese or Equalizer WD hitch
    Living in AZ you might consider a Hughes Autoformer since you will be using your air in low power situations
    The rest will come to mind as you camp