Sheriffdoug wrote:
May I ask you, how much you paid, back in 1970, for your 10ft Hutch and the
3/4 ton Chev?
Would be interesting from a historical point of view.
Have been waiting with eager anticipation on your usual in depth postings.
Thank You.
I hope this meets your expectations... :B
I paid $2950 (cash) for the special order truck including factory installed overload leaf springs. I found out that GM wanted to market a longer truck bed (8 1/2') and didn't have a frame for it... they built the "Longhorn" on a 1 ton chassie. (My dad had a GMC 1 ton that had a 9' bed with the same frame. At the time Chevy's came 10/20/30 series 1/2 ton / 3/4 ton/ or 1 ton... mine was a 21034 series and thats the numnber that the parts store if I wanted to replace the brakes or anythin else.
I have no idea what the camper cost'd... the appliances were bought new from a RV parts store were very expensive (as they are now) special ordered ... all of the wood framing materials were bought at 84 lumber company, the panaling was bought at Weimers lumber... the cabinate doors and counter tops and door inserts were Formica was bought at Williams, Inc... special tools like routers were bought at the hardware...The skin was Aluminium sidding bought in 8' to 20' lengths from house trailer manufacturers (both colors white and copper) the siding was horizontal... connected by "pittsburg felt" joints, copper low, white high on the sides... white back and cabover nose... The roof was one piece of heavier gauge aluminum 8' wide x 20' long from Fruhoff Trucking (they repaired tractor trailers)... the 3 jacks were from a RV Parts store... three legged hand cranked. The three large dinnette windows were jalousie as was the kitchen window over the sink... the BR window was a verticle slider, the cabover side windows were horzontal sliders... the cabover front window was plexaglas. All of the windows had plexaglas storm windows. We heated with a colman catalytic heater at the door...The dinette cushions were covered with naughyde... the tape player speakers were accustically engineered for the space in the TC and covered with naughyde,,, The escape hatch and vents were from the RV parts store...
It had a observation deck on top and a canoe rack for our 18' Herters fiberglas canoe
It had 2 propane tanks... a 20 and a thirty...
3 way 6 cu ft fridge
The tie downs went to 4" x 1" "C" channel belly bars
I didn't keep track of the money... never wanted to know.
Mom made the curtains
It is used as a hunting base now...

43 years old

and abandonded mostly
there were two propane tanks mounted on the rear... the 20# above the left brake light, the 30# to it's right
Yes, it was Home made... I built it when I was 30 years old... working full time and carrying 18 hours in college... it took several months. It was pretty when new!