I have found that it makes a difference on what your RV is skinned with, and the conditions under which you are using the wax. I have tried so many that it is easier for me to pick out some I don't like. There are so many I think are the same.
On my 5th wheel I have metal siding. It can be real tough to buff some brands of wax out of the crevices. My TC is molded fiberglass and much easier to buff. To clarify, my idea of buffing is to wipe off with a soft cloth. I have a polisher, but prefer not to work that hard.
I prefer a wax that is wipe on, let dry to a haze and wipe off. I prefer a wax that I do not have to use in a really shady area. I don't recall the names right now, but I have a couple that I use. One is Gel-Gloss. I prefer Meguiar's for my truck.