RSD559 wrote:
Little topic branch off. Why would someone design a truck that can't handle weight distribution? When Nissan first came out with the Titan, it couldn't handle weight distribution either. it had impressive capacities, but specifically said no weight distribution. I wasn't aware that Toyota did the same thing.
I had a
2004 Titan, first year. Don't know where you got your information but it's wrong. Nissan always recommended a WDH in the manual.
Honda always recommends against a WDH as well. Didn't know Toyota did as well.
If you want to buy an econobox, then maybe the Japanese foreign car market. If you want to buy a truck or SUV to do work, buy AMERICAN, they're built to pull trailers and haul as a primary function, not as a secondary or third function. Plus are more reliable doing so.
I learned my lesson owning a New Nissan Titan and New Pathfinder. I've owned 5 New Ford trucks and SUVs ever since, and haven't been disappointed!