This has been an interesting thread. I am going to throw my 2 cents in here not that it will be of much value in making your decision.
1st my son is a Ford Master Tech. Prior to that he worked in an independent shop.
His opinion of Toyotas backs up your past loyalty to Toyota. When his sister was looking for her first used car he told her to buy a Toyota. I have to mention I am a diehard Ford fan. Born in Detroit and my dad dis 38 years with ford. All my kids had Ford trucks. When I asked him why the recommendation he said he sees Toyotas all the time but only for wear items like brakes, alternaters and such. Never problems other than wear items.
Now as to choices. If it is to be your Tow Vehicle I am a fan of over kill.
As we didn't get into the Gas VS diesel or SRW VS Dual Wheel here we go.
Buy a truck that meets your weight needs.
I bought a F550 dually with 7.3 but sounds like the 5.0 will cover your needs nicely. But imagine how cool you will look in a F550 diesel dually. Heck put the trailer in the bed and dont worry about the hitch.
Well there's my useless 2 cents.
All kidding aside it sounds as though you approached this in a wise manner. Get the truck that won't make you decide between a generator or cooler.
Good luck