Forum Discussion

70GTO's avatar
Nov 15, 2015

What would You Order?

In the next year or so, my wife & I are planning to order a new truck camper. Since I live in Illinois, I will probably be ordering it, then making the trek west to pick it up "probably to the dealer that I can get the best deal from". It has been tough to decide, but I think the Eagle Cap 995 has won over an Arctic Fox "I do have a 2013 crew cab dually".

The questions that seem to give me grief are,
1- Do I go microwave delete to gain the extra cabinet space?
2- Do I go generator delete for the same reason? One can always get a small Honda generator that will do the same. Looks like for some of my longer excursions I may have to pull a very small enclosed trailer behind to have room for other things like a fold up dining fly, lawn chairs, fishing poles & coolers to name a few & finding a home for a portable generator in there wont be a problem.

What do you folk's think? I'd like to hear what you have to say.

Thanks, Bruce
  • I've only been doing this a few years with a camper but I'd keep the microwave and Delete the onboard genny.
    If you do that, realize the AC might not work with a 2k Honda. If ordering, I'd make sure I got an AC that would work off of 2000w or less.
    My only gripe the few times I have been around on board genny rigs is the noise. Inside the camper is loud with the generator on.
    All of this depends on where and how you use the camper too. I'm typically in the boonies with no campground so I can set the Honda off in the woods and barely hear it in the camper.
    We use the micro wave and oven all the time.
    I've met people who say "I never use the bathroom, oven, micro, etc in my camper."
    Thought that's why you got a camper. If I didn't use the amenities, a good tent and a cot and camp stove are much cheaper and easier to pack than a camper.
  • I'm always amazed at how much I can store in my microwave while traveling. Bags of chips, loaf's of bread, smores ingredients etc. I'd keep the microwave then you have one if you need one, plus resale value should be considered. Many people like the conveniences of home while camping.

    If you plan on staying in places with electrical hook ups I would agree with the generator delete. If you plan on boondocking in hot climates either keep it or order an AC you can use with a portable generator as suggested above.
  • The above advice about a flat bed hold merit with me too. You have enough truck that you can still carry extra items on the truck without weight concerns once you have the room. I looked into the flat beds when I had a SRW and found I didn't have enough payload capacity to make switching over worth the cost. When I was ready to upgrade trucks, it was an easy decision for me.

    Whether you have a built in microwave or generator depends on how you RV. If you are a more traditional camper that does most things over an open flame, it does not make sense to always carry these items with you. If you use the camper as an extension of your home and like the conveniences of on-demand power for cooking, air conditioning or powering electronics, having a built in generator with one touch button is pretty handy.

    We prefer the microwave/convection over the LPG oven and gained storage by only having the cooktop. Instead of worrying about generator storage and security, we chose the built in option so it is always with us and a button press away from use. Because we chose the built in generator, we did narrow down our choice of campers to ones that carry dual 30 lb LPG cylinders. Our recent trip dry camping for four out our five nights in 40-50 degree weather emptied one 30 lb cylinder and switched over to the second on the day we were returning home.
  • Unless they put inverter generator for $500 - that would be the first option I would scratch.
    I have build in Generac, that sucks propane running at high rpm all the time, so even I am forced to carry it with me, almost all powering is done with 900W generator I bought at HF for $80.
    Due to small size the 2-cycle generator is quieter than build in Generac and it powers microwave oven and my coffee maker just fine. One at the time.
    HF had sale on 2200W inverter generators. I had coupon for about $300 and was tempted, but that would make 4th generator for me and don't think I would pass my wife with the idea.
  • Hey Bruce, we just bought a 2016 AF990 and had the micro deleted and a cabinet with an adjustable shelf put in its place. I didn't want their generator, so I had the dealer install a Coleman Mach 8 9.2K AC so I can use my Honda 2000i, and store it in the former generator compartment. The extra cabinet and shelf is really nice. I used Niemeyer Trailer Sales in Albertville, MN and they did a nice job, as always.
  • Glad that you are planning ahead, there is plenty of time to get input from all kind of sources. Please remember on all of them that it is (this is what I like) not what you will need or want because only the two of you can make this decision. So here goes -- put a flat bed on the truck (because I did) build down under the overhang so there is more outside storage, on our trip to AK., things carried outside the camper were -- 10'X10' popup canopy - 2000w onan iu gen set, chairs, tool box for (me), outside grill W/ collapsible table and 5# propane bottle for grill, rug for the deck I built for rear of camper, extra drinking water and other drinking products, this all under the overhang, in the cab area put up a pole in rear seat area to carry extra clothes and rain gear. Feel free to PM me for other things we took with us that upon leaving was 200# under the GVWR of the truck as we went to the Highway Dept. scales on the day and hr we headed North. JMHO
  • There was a 3-4 page response about the built-in generator option just a couple weeks ago. It's about $4,000.00 on the typical build sheets. The factors of weight, reliability, noise and shared fuel with the camper itself were all considered. As with any option, it's the value you see in it.
    For what it's worth, I see more oven deletes than micro in new camper layouts. The cooktop and dual-purpose microwave seem to be the favored choice in new campers.
    This is the fun part until you get the camper. Then you get to experience a better fun! Good luck-Mike
  • I never thought I would ever have a microwave in a camper (nor an air conditioner for that matter.) My current camper came with those niceties and then I bought a generator to power them.

    I like having the MW. My annual hunting trip is now the main reason for using the TC and I will camp for up to 10 days. Planning and precooking food at home and then heating them up in the field make for hassle free good eating ... and quick! This allows me to get into the rack early all fat and happy while my comrades are still pumping up the Coleman.

    I think you will be happy with a MW. I would not fret losing this little bit of storage especially if you are pulling a trailer for stuff.
  • I would contact Mello Mike, send him a PM he's one of the moderators. I would also read here here

    Good Luck before you get "analysis paralysis"
    I have been looking to buy a new Pick Up Truck and I have a severe case of analysis paralysis!