Forum Discussion

sacmarata's avatar
Jul 08, 2014

What's wrong with bumper sewer hose storage???

I've read about and seen some really cool ideas for storing the slinky but still can't figure out why folks won't use the rear bumper storage (If available)?

I know the factory caps fall off and the hose can easily fall out but wouldn't it be a lot easier and cheaper to make a good cap with latches/hinges/fasteners on it for the existing bumper than it is to fabricate a completely new device to hold the sewer hose?

Help me out. I'm likely improving the factory bumper caps on mine this week. Have I missed something? Is there a reason not to?

I've even seen square PVC pipe the same dimensions as the rear bumper mounted right on top of the rear bumper??? WHY?
  • We used the bumper in our last TT for 8 years and didn't see any rust. We use the bumper in our current trailer. When we stop we remove the cover, take out the hose and leave the cover off. It is as dry in there as it is outside.
  • I used the bumper on the previous 5er to store the sewer hose with no problems. I did put a good coating of paint inside of the bumper with a small roller to prevent any rust from forming. I would do the same with this 5er if it had a rear bumper. Tim
  • Yaj said..."The problem is that the rust acts as a abrasive on the sewer hose, eventually wearing small pin holes in the hose." DingDingDingDing.
  • I've seen that a lot of the factory fit bumpers were just four inch. My trailer did not come with a bumper, so I made one out of five inch PVC fence post with a gutter in it. I can store my hose in it with the fittings on both ends.
    So as it turned out, I am glad this trailer came with no bumper from the factory.
  • What happens over time is, the small amount of water in the hose will help the inside of the bumper to rust. It would take a long time for the bumper to rust through.
    The problem is that the rust acts as a abrasive on the sewer hose, eventually wearing small pin holes in the hose.
  • In my case the bumper storage was a bit yucky from the prior owner. And I was worried about rust.

    So I made one of the fence post/rain gutter units and now I easily store 2x10' hoses plus a shrinking garden hose with nozzle (dedicated for cleaning the waste hoses and gear). I did buy an extra 5' hose and it now lives in the bumper.

    My "extra" use for the in-bumper storage is when we stop somewhere for the dogs to do business and there isn't a trash can around for the resulting bag of waste. It goes into the bumper until our next appropriate stop.
  • Ah hah!!! So, I am not alone! So whats all the hubub about fence posts and PVC storage then?

    I figured rust issues would be no worse than the water that already finds it way in there from road grime.
  • Last trailer had cheapie stamped bumper so I stored it in a PVC tube. New trailer has square tube bumper. I added ventilated caps and keep the hose in there.
  • I use bumper storage. As long as only one end has a fitting, I'm fine.
  • I store mine in the bumper and even found a bumper cap that has a hinged door on in. I had to use self-tapping metal screws to get it to stay on but it works well. One negative to storing the stinky slinky in there is that it may rust out the bumper tube after a while.