Forum Discussion

Blazing_Zippers's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 18, 2013

Wheel studs breaking

I change wheels and tires in spring and fall-- aggressive snow tires for winter. So far, I've broken two wheel studs while using a torque wrench to tighten the lug nuts. They both broke at about 80 ft. lbs. of torque.
I used to take the vehicles to the company that rhymes with Squab for the semi annual tire swap, but they snapped several studs using the air guns--SO I started doing the change myself.
Maybe I need to stop buying trucks from Mexico, made with steel from China???? O.K. I've vented!!!!!
  • At one point, the wheels were either over or under-torqued, and now the studs are fatigued. They all need to be replaced.

    If the wheels are aluminum and have conical lugs, and they were not re-torqued after ~50-100 miles after each installation, then that is just as bad is under-torquing them from the get-go.
  • When was the last time you had your torque wrench calibrated? They do need to checked from time to time. Had more then one be off bad.
  • Go to Dexter axles. They sell about 1500 different wheel studs with the proper hardness. Never had one break yet.
  • Sorry you feel the manufacture is at fault but if that was true I'm sure we would be hearing from more then just you about this. But it's OK to vent, I vent at our know nothing engineers at work all the time :W . BTW it doesn't do me any good either!

    You are going to have to replace all your studs as stated by Chris.

  • ^^^ what Chris said. They have all been over torqued and most will now not hold proper torque.
  • Lugs that are stretched will break later. Someone over tightened them and they all need to be replaced. Chris