Forum Discussion

cdlaine's avatar
Nov 02, 2013

When a Ford and A Chevy could still last 10 years...

With respects to the great Mr. Haggard....

Celebrating my first 10 years with the big block (this month)...

may have just been lucky but it has been a great truck ! I hope

to get 10 more years from this one... built to tow.

Well done GM .

woohoo ! (easily amused).


  • Got to agree BR...checked on a current model "comparable"
    to my rig... cannot get a big block, and the MSRP's are all
    over 60 K. I hope I can squeeze 10 more out of this one...

  • Glad you're happy, but I think there are a lot of us who would like to, and will join you in that same boat, driving all brands. With the cost of new ones, I hope to be in mine for quite some time.