Turtle n Peeps wrote:
Choose economy or power............or something in between. You can't have all three or even two at once. You want clean air? It's going to take some energy (fuel) to do this too.
A lot of people, myself included, think that we have sufficient power and want more efficiency. The marketing strategy of the big 3 is for more power, because that is what sells. Therefore it would seem that the majority want power over efficiency.
In regards to the rest of your post, I have to disagree with it. Look at trucks from 20 year ago as opposed to today. More power, cleaner burning and more fuel efficient. I'm not a diesel engineer by any means. Much smarter people than me have been working on this technology for a long time and are making headwinds. I'm not sure how much juice is left in the squeeze, but I doubt we have reached 100% efficiency. I don't have a clue how much money it will cost to gain another 10% efficiency or whether its even worth it.