I have spent less time on the Forum in the last year - but there was a specific issue - the loss of 3rd party hosting of photos. Suddenly they were charging $400 for hosting. The Forum had nothing to say nor made any effort to help. At some point, however, the Photobucket folks came to their senses and are charging a reasonable price for hosting. In the meantime the Avion community mostly wandered away.
You would think for a string that attracted over 600,000 views that this Forum's management would rouse itself. Nope. I think that lack of involvement with the posters on the Forum is one reason that TC owners get uninterested along with medieval technology that underlies this site.
As to Facebook, I never joined and I don't intend to. No disrespect to others is intended. I just don't trust FB. Google either.
I hope we can engage in a livelier Forum in the future. But it isn't looking promising.