Flashman wrote:
ksss wrote:
I use a flip over ball and a Curt attachment (steel) that attaches to the ball with rails and allows you to mount the 24K fifth wheel hitch on top of that (which for me is the Curt 24K hitch). The set up is a bit heavy to install in but I really like it. It may be made in China, I never looked, its HD and works well so that is enough for me.
The Andersen hitches are from here in Idaho Falls, quite an operation. I personally have never bought anything from them. I just don't trust aluminum for things like that, not the fifth wheel hitches or the adjustable bumper pull hitches. It is a personal decision for me, not saying they are not any good, I just don't have faith in trusting Al for hitch material.
I guess you are also afraid of flying? Every modern airliner is made of aluminum.
Have you ever watched their Circus Type "CRUSH TEST VIDEO". It's a joke as what really matters is how they handle the fore and aft forces.