Forum Discussion

GoDawgs's avatar
Sep 21, 2016

Which satellite dish?

I have thoroughly confused myself with this seemingly simple topic. All of the other threads have some good information, but when I thought I was ready to make my purchase, I stumbled onto a new problem. Ok, this is my issue: I'm having trouble determining which satellite dish I need. I'm planning to get the new Wally from Dish Network (already a Dish customer). I would like to get a manual, tripod mounted antennae, because I don't want to deal with rain fade. I live in S. Louisiana, where we get frequent, heavy downpours, so I'm trying to eliminate as much of the rain fade issue as possible. Anyway, can someone please tell me exactly which dish will work with the Wally. When I thought I had found the one I need, the description said "will work with hopper and Joey only." I would think that it would also work with the Wally, as this is newer technology, but I don't want to buy the wrong one. Thanks for your help!
  • The Winegard Pathway X2 has a slightly larger dish, finds both eastern and western arcs and supports two boxes.
  • That's good to know. I would rather get the auto-aiming type, but everything I read talks about the fade caused by water on the domes. It may be worth trying one now that I know they work in the rain. Thanks for the reply.
  • I live in BR and have the tailgater from dish. I got rid of my direct tv permanently mounted dish at home because of the rain issues. (Direct actually told me I was the only one having this problem)
    The tailgater works well in most bad weather. It really takes a doozy of a storm to knock it out, plus it's super easy to set up. Just point it somewhat south and in a few minutes it has locked onto a satellite.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    If you want the best chance at capturing the signal then get a Dish 1000. The LNB on the end is really what's important. Being in Louisiana, you're probably on the Eastern Arc. In that case you want a dish that comes with the 1000.4 LNB. Call Dish to confirm before you buy.
  • Get a 1000.4. Gets either Eastern or western arcs.

    A bigger dish WILL out perform a Tailgater in the rain.

    I agree heavy rain will block any dish but a bigger dish will work longer in lighter rains.
  • ANY manual tripod mounted DISH, dish will work with ALL receivers as long as you have the correct LNB on the arm. If you have Dish at home what ARC are you receiving, Eastern or Western ARC? Any Dish service teck can set you up with the correct LNB and aiming procedures.
  • NO antenna/dish.. will prevent rain fade... NONE.

    rain clouds block the signal.. so no signal for antenna to receive.

    remember when satellite receivers NEEDED 8 foot dishes. I sure do.

    I just updated my OTA antenna for when it does Rain...
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Call Dish tech support and ask.