Forum Discussion

broncobill1964's avatar
Jan 27, 2016

Who's Towing a 5th with a half ton?

How many people out there are towing a 5th wheel with a half ton truck, and the weight of your 5th wheel?
  • You can see by my post that I have an F250 with an 11500# fiver. I have two f150's and my f250 and when I pull anything over 3000#s I use the f250. It's built for towing. With the cost difference between f150 and f250 being as small as it as for the gasser, I'd highly recommend the heavier truck. They're much safer, they don't work as hard to tow, and they're made to carry and control heavy loads. A guy I work with bought a 34 foot trailer and hated towing it with his Tundra, he traded it for a Chevy HD and swears by it instead of having white knuckle while towing with his Tundra. Personal advice is get away from the half tons and look at a comparably equipped three quarter ton.
  • Well broncebill be prepared for a very wide variety of responses.

    All 1/2 tons are not created equal. Might want to provide more info on the 1/2 ton you are asking about.
