Dreenn wrote:
I don't know exect numbers on my trucks payload but the lowest on gmc website was 1786 and up to 2300 so I think that's plenty right?
We can't answer that, we don't know what your exact payload is, we don't know the weight of your family, we don't know the weight of any aftermarket accessories, and we don't know the weight of any cargo you may want to load.
Here's an example of how the payload thing works:
Say your door sticker says 1786 payload.
Say the dealer who sold the truck new, had a spray in bed liner done. It weighs 50 lbs. The available payload is now 1736.
Say you or a previous owner, installed a fiberglass bed cap (200 lbs). The available payload is now 1536.
Say you added some custom floor mats (36 lbs). Available payload is now 1500.
Say you carry a 150 lb tool box. Avaiable payload is now 1350.
Say the total weight of your family is 700 lbs. Your available payload is now 650.
Say the WD hitch weighs 100 lbs. Payload available for trailer tongue weight is now 550.
Say the loaded tongue weight is 13%. (550 divided by .13)
Your available payload could only support a 4230 lb loaded trailer.
Say the average camping load (dishes, pots and pans, bedding, camp chairs, BBQ, groceries, water, etc) is 800 - 1000 lbs. The unloaded weight of your trailer should be around 3300 lbs.
Plug your own numbers, into something like this, and see what you have for available payload. As you can see, it adds up fast.