Dreenn wrote:
Lots of good disscussion here it's good to see more 1/2 ton towers now another question I have a w/d hitch and bars and sway control how do I know what brand it is it came with the camper and how do you firgur out what the tounge weight with wd hitch is
Weigh it. Many WDHs add 75lbs to the truck. Just to be clear. The tongue weight does NOT change just because you add a WDH. Some weight is transferred thru the hitch to the front of the TV, and some to the TT itself. But ALL the weight is still handled by the hitch.
As for the brand. If it is a normal WDH, meaning not a dual cam or something like that, and as you have already stated it is not. then brand really doesn't matter. they all do the same thing. But usually the name will be on the hitch somewhere.