I have both a 2007 Chevy 1500 w/ 5.3 and a '96 F350 w/ 7.3. The 2 trucks are night and day difference when pulling my 24' 4500# TT. The Chevy does just fine but the F350 does it way better.
I've made the following statement on here before and was run up a rail for it, but I'll say it again because it's true. RV owners are the only group of people that have resigned themselves to pulling heavy loads (heavy trailers) with 1/2 ton trucks. And they spend countless hours trying to convince themselves that their choice is a good one. Simply drive down the highway and you'll see firsthand that this is the case. No other group of people who are involved with hauling trailers consistently use 1/2 tons...only the RV'ers. Is it because some people depend on their TV and trailer for their livelihood, while others use it only for recreation? Is it because all those people hauling medium sized trailers with 3/4 and 1 tons are ignorant? You be the judge. I'm just a 30k mile a year guy pointing out my observations.