marcsbigfoot20b27 wrote:
4X4Dodger wrote:
marcsbigfoot20b27 wrote:
4X4Dodger wrote:
marcsbigfoot20b27 wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
marcsbigfoot20b27 wrote:
3oaks wrote:
Yea, doesn't everyone know nothing less than a 350 dully is safe to tow anything. :R
Towing over 6000 lbs is a matter of.....
1/2 ton = good
3/4 ton = better
1 ton dually = best
Tow the same trailer with a 1 ton dually and get back to us.
F450 even better,
F650 even better
A 10 wheeled 35000lb over the road Freightliner would be even better. but NOT needed.
If folks are scared to tow a little over 6000lb with a F150. I would suggest a Freightliner. No sway, good braking, won't be pushed around by the TT. You won't even know it is there. Try it, and get back to us
1/2 ton, 3/4 ton and 1 ton are the normal trucks you see on the road. Your reply is trollish.
I beg to differ..the reply is NOT Trollish. It simply points out your very faulty logic.
Better is not necessarily the same as Bigger. There are many other considerations.
Towing with a semi isn't a totally trollish statement?
If GFY means what I think it does then your vocabulary is on a par with your Logic. (Both bad)
It makes one wonder why someone would take this so very personally as you do to write that over this issue?
I take driving and towing a heavy TT seriously/"personally". I don't want a 1/2 ton that is just 100 lbs under max weight to rear end me because itt can't stop going down a big mountain, lose control when a semi passes it and it swerves across the median causing a head on or just crashes in a ditch killing themselves.
If people here have never towed with more than a 1/2 ton then they don't have any experience to post any meaningful info about the differences with 3/4 or 1 ton.
I have towed with a Freightliner, a CLT9000 Ford OTR tractor, and a MTD, and a 3500. All did well. However, they were sized to the load as my 150 is. It tows it's load just as well as any of them. Actually stops BETTER than any of them.
I guess it all comes down to experience, knowledge, setup, and skill. Learn grasshopper, learn.