spoon059 wrote:
No idea if your WDH was properly set up on the old half ton OR the new 3/4 ton. Yes, the hitch was set up properly, on both trucks. I didn't have sway issues. When I was pushed around by the wind, it was truck and trailer together, like one unit.
Its not a direct comparison between vehicles. I was relating personal experiences. Apparently, you have issues with that.
I still believe that there is no reason that towing within your numbers with a properly set up vehicle would cause "white knuckle" situations. I would agree with that. If you had actually read and understood what I wrote, rather than trying to find points to argue, you would have noticed that I was right on the edge and frequently "not" within my numbers. It's possible, I was not within my numbers, all the time.
Cramps and back aches...? Those came with the white knuckles and being tensed up for hours at a time. Some of those trips were 12 hour rides. I don't know if you've been there, but, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin have a lot of wind and on I-94, it's almost always coming at you from the side. Sometimes to a point where big rigs will pull over and wait it out. Maybe, I should have mentioned, where I was having the wind issues.
Not sure how that has ANYTHING to do with half ton vs 3/4 ton. Apparently, you skipped over the part where I said I would probably still have a 1/2 ton, if it had not been for a truck camper.
That just sounds like a comfort issue between brands. I guess, being more relaxed would be a comfort issue.
I don't think there is any question that a 3/4 ton tows better. I would agree with that, too. Some things it doesn't do better are, it really likes gas, lots of gas, and it won't fit in the garage.
That isn't the argument. Had I known, this needed to be an argument, I would have skipped over it.
A 1 ton tows better than your 3/4 ton... why didn't you buy that? Again, if you read what I wrote, it says "I didn't buy the 3/4 ton until I had a truck camper to carry around". The towing improvement was an added benefit. If there had been a 1 ton sitting on the lot, with same kind of options, for same price, I probably would have bought that. One ton would be better for the truck camper.
A dually tows better than a single tire... why didn't you buy that? Had one, didn't like it.
Do you get the point yet? Only point I'm getting is, you seem to get some kind of pleasure out of arguments.
My half ton is more than enough truck for my current trailer. I went back and read my post, several times. I can't find where I mentioned anything about your setup.
My WDH is properly set up and my tongue weight is sufficient. Never had ANY sway. Never felt pushed around by the weather. I'll have to take your word for that. Sounds like you are well within your numbers and you really like your Tundra. I liked mine too, but, it wasn't built to carry 2500 lbs of truck camper.
Never had a cramp or back ache... whatever that has to do with the argument. Here we go with that argument thing again.
I think I've covered covered all your questions and concerns. At least, all that I'm going to.
Have a nice day !!!