spoon059 wrote:
LarryJM wrote:
YEP you are one of the ones that have BTDT and are proudly wearing the T-shirt that fall into that first category that some say don't exist. As another posted if you haven't towed with both you are not IMO qualified to post dissenting opinions that have any credibility on this subject.
So unless you have driven both a half ton and a 3/4 ton you aren't qualified to post an opinion on whether or not it is safe to tow in a half ton...? The argument has never been which is BETTER for towing. The argument has always been about whether or not a half ton is adequate and safe when towed within its weight ratings. You are obscuring the argument. You have a 1 ton van... why not a class 3 truck instead? Unless you have towed with a class 3 how are you qualified to discuss a credible opinion? How about a class 4? Class 5? Class 6? Class 7? How about a class 8? Before you say that I am trolling, look at your comment. We have gone from the right size tool for the job to BIGGER IS BETTER. If we are arguing that bigger is better than you and I BOTH fail with our class 2 pickup trucks. There are WAY bigger and therefore BETTER trucks available that neither of us are using.
Like I said... RV.net "class wars"...
I don't know who you are talking to, but while you might think this discussion is only about whether a 1/2 ton is safe and adequate to tow within its ratings that was not even close to what my original post and subsequent posts were about. You obviously didn't read or didn't understand what I originally said which is IMO still a valid point.