The majority of 1/2 tons sold have relatively low payloads. There in lies the problem. Low payload and high tow ratings. Shop your nearest truck store and look at CCC door labels. Almost impossible to find upper end CCC trucks. Buyers are getting a dumbed down version of what's being advertised on tv.
Couple all that with the excitement of looking at trailers and it's easy to see why 1/2 ton owners are the ones having the most towing issues. It's pretty common for RV shoppers to start looking for a certain size trailer and then end up with something bigger. Go to any RV dealer or RV show and that smaller lower priced trailer just doesn't seem all that appealing after looking at the larger more expensive ones.
Now the conundrum appears. That 1/2 ton truck that seemed like the latest and greatest is now not adequate for that new larger than anticipated trailer.
We can read about that situation all day long on any RV site.
It's really more of a newbie issue IMO. There's plenty of 1/2 ton owners that know exactly what's going on and have matched their combo correctly. You can't lump them all into one category.