My Chevy didn't have an isolator until I installed it. I installed a solenoid type.
Unless your truck has a separate circuit for the camper lights that is not turning off when the switch is turned off, the only thing that can run the battery down is if the charge circuit is not disconnecting from the TC.
I have a master 12V disconnect under the sink but that only disconnects the battery from the TC not the truck from the TC.
The TC has a propane detector and possibly a CO2 detector that aren't switched off unless you remove the fuses. They will pull the battery down in a few days.
As someone already said, put a meter on the 12V pin of the truck connector with power off. It should be open if the truck is off. If not your power isolator is shorted or you don't have one.
If that is the case, you can pull the fuses and achieve complete disconnect as long as there are no shorts and nothing has been added without going through the fuse box.
Good luck with the hunt.