Turtle n Peeps wrote:
Either Bosch, who had been mass producing common-rail injectors since 1997, was consistently turning out junk or something was killing these injectors.
It's the former, not the later. Same way with the CP4 pump.
Case in point. The LB7 injectors. Chevy came out with a TSP for the LB7 to change the micron size from x to y. Why? Because the injectors were failing.
People put the new updated super squirrel filter on their LB7's. There, problem solved.
Tic, tock, tic, tock............more injector failures even with the superman filter on. Tic, tock, tic, tock, still more injector failures. Wow, we are having almost the same rate of failure after the superman filter as before. What the $@%@^^????
Hmmmmmmmmm guess it wasn't a filtering problem. At least not so much because it didn't solve the problem.
Then came a round of revisions from Robert Bosch to the LB7 injectors. Tic, tock, tic, tock............hey, no more injector failures (or very little)!!
Low and behold Robert Bosch was consistently turning out junk and GM was installing it in their LB7 engines. :E
Then he did it again with his CP4 junk pump. This time Ford got in on the hosing too.
So yes, Robert Bosch was selling junk stuff to their customers. :E
Your referring to the original injectors that suffered from a bad design and yes no filter is going to solve that root cause.
Having said that, I do believe better filtration will only promote a longer life of your fuel system.