I say, go by yourself and have a great time. If you don't like to camp alone, join a camping group in your area and camp with them.
We just returned from a 3-night trip to a park about 2 hours from home. We were with a camping group and there were 7 camping units containing 11 adults and 9 kids. Two of the units were men that are married, but their wives refuse to go with them. One of these men has 3 kids that camp with him. Another is a single guy with a big ol 5'er. The rest of us are assorted married folks, some with kids, some without. We have a great time and although we would like to have the spouses attend with the husbands, we know that's just not in the cards. Occasionally, if we are camping close to their home, the wife will come and eat dinner with the group, then go home.
We have a great time and usually have one big dinner where everybody brings their own burgers or dogs, drinks and a side and we share. We usually have a campfire at the site that has the biggest area.
So, back to the question at hand.....CAMP ON! If she wants to accompany you, that's her choice or not!