If no WiFi is provided where you camp then most likely there is no WiFi specially free WiFi in the area. There are antennas that will allow you to receive WiFi from a longer distance but, these are usually very directional. You would have to know where to aim the unit. This is one of them http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA52S1P39958&nm_mc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r&cm_mmc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r-_-Electronics-_-GENERIC-_-9SIA52S1P39958&scpid=7&scid=scsho6948756.
It will receive a signal up to about a mile away. Seems to me your problem will be on the outbound side though. The antenna on the other end might not get the signal that you transmit. While you will transmit it, the receiving range of the other antenna might not equal its output range.
but on the other hand it is only about $30.00.