sluggo68 wrote:
does anyone know of any equipment to add to a travel trailer to pick up wifi if you are not in an area like a KOA with wifi service. We do a lot of camping in areas that don't have wifi service provided.
Sluggo - The way wifi works is that it has to be re-broadcast via antenna on the equipment designed to receive and then rebroadcast the signal wirelessly. This means that if you are outside of the range of any broadcast signal there is no equipment that you can add to a TT to pick up wifi signal that is not there.
As others have mentioned, a solution - the only practicable solution - is to access wireless internet via cellular service, since there are cell antennae all over the country, which enable users to have cell service according to the coverage maps provided by Verizon, ATT, etc. Since it is coming over cellular service it is not free - you will need a data plan from one of those providers.
Adding equipment to the trailer therefore means you can add a hotspot device or you can use your smartphone provided it has a data plan and hotspot capabilities - not all smartphones do.
Aside from this, there is satellite internet (for example
this one) but I suspect that for RVs this may be cost prohibitive and not be as reliable as cellular.
Hope that explains your question.