Jim@HiTek wrote:
Tyler0215 wrote:
Car carriers create a lot of turbulance just because of the all the different exposed surfaces. Back off or pass.
As far as drafting, Jim, Its is not the way to save fuel. It's illegal for one thing. Also dumb, stupid, crazy, insane, How else can I say it?
A sudden stop and you achieve a zen state. You become one with the semi trailer.
What are you talking about? Illegal to follow a vehicle 200 to 300 feet or more behind? Since when?
200 to 300 feet...no...But if you are close enough to draft (30 to 50 feet) then you are really too close. That is where I think the "illegal" part comes in. Not saying that it truly IS, but in AZ, cops will pull you over for following too close. What the definition of "Too Close" is, I don't know...may be a Law Enforcement judgement call, may be an actual distance.
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