Agree !
When it comes to science & technology discussions on these freebie forums...heck even my paid forums...too many advisors have no skin in the game in the OP's questions & situation
Then the ratings misconceptions and even some who dismiss ratings will then reference another 'ratings' that they do follow
On top of all that...they do know that all designs have some level of dialed in margin and is 'good for it'...of course yes...but for how long and how safely during that Mr Murphy moment. "Design margin" is a closely held secret and it would take a court order to disclose and then under strict NDA with large fines if they break the NDA
Bottom line for me...if someone asks for this kind of advice...they don't know enough about that situation to make up their own risk management decision(s) and will reference them to their OEM's specifications & manuals for THEIR vehicle & setup
To the many PMs asking, tell them to also look at the history of posts of the party they are asking me to either debunk or verify and make up their own minds if that advisor matches their own values
Also agree with what Shiner said on another thread and is that am not coming over here as often as before
PA12DRVR wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Only in the RVnet forum would we boast about our favorite brand’s 3500 DRW being rated to tow more than 4 times its weight yet freak out when someone asks about an 8k lb HD 2500 truck towing 1.75 times its weight.
Well, technically, that's accurate, but the paradigm is duplicated on other forums that I visit:
- On a hunting forum, apparently Dall Sheep will instantly die and be magically transported to a landing strip if Experienced Hunter X even mentions going hunting, but when Hunter X responds to Newbie Hunter's question of the best method to stalk Dall Sheep, Experienced Hunter X simply states: "You'll never be able to sheep hunt unless you have 20 years experience"....and how pray tell does one get that experience?
- Or on the airplane forum: Some PA-12 driver states: "I've landed on XYZ River Bar a few times, always a bit dicey to touch down soon enough if it's windy." (allegedly) Experienced Pilot X then asserts: "XYZ River Bar looks like it's at least 300' long, any Piper pilot worthy of the name can land there without a problem." PA-12 driver: "Have you ever landed there, particularly when the wind is from the East?" Pilot X: "Well, no, but I've flown over it once." :R