And why have been saying that anyone who asks does NOT understand and best to advise them to go by the OEM's specifications/ratings.
Go out and weigh it all, axle by axle and then do the simple math
Shiner...thanks for the details. Knew most of that from a broader point and your details are very good. Made a copy for my reference
Also have been saying for years and years to use the OEM's ratings instead of the marketing nomenclature...but that again is too confusing to those who have to ask...
OEMs sell many more vehicles to those who bought the wrong one...
Grit...that boss is a pure bean counter manager and the legislators who writeup the laws governing this stuff usually are clueless. They should stick to counting beans and stay away from science & technology based topics
PA12DRVR...your story reminds of a buddy who was in the Navy during the 60's-70's and told of what they told him if they ever 'heard' steam escaping. Invisible and that stream was hot enough & escaping fast enough to cut a body in half...told to take a broom and wave it slooowly around and found when the broom was cut in half...don't know how true that one was
All things engineered/designed/etc are not for the good days, but for the Mr Murphy moment and for the Idiot Gorilla who will misuse whatever they have...taught to me early in my designing career. Seems today's designers are never taught that