Grit dog wrote:
blt2ski wrote:
When I first brought this up 15 some odd yrs ago, folks swore I was wrong. Then a fellow named wadcutter showed, a retired CVEO and told them folks they were wrong. One mod even tried to say RVs were different rules than commercial. He was told any over 10000 has to follow the same laws.
You will not keep yourself out of trouble, Murphy's law, just being under sticker limits.
IMHO, best people know good vs bad habits. There are a multitude rules and laws that will get an unsafe person off the road. ALL of them are moving violations, way the heck worst than being over wieght! Which is a non moving violation.
Oh the stories some of us can tell! Lol
Oh good lord, I can only imagine.
Heck, I've been on this board for almost 10 years and there are still PLENTY of members who still refuse to or aren't smart enough to understand this.
Grit don't forget about the "insurance will never pay off if you cause a wreck and are overweight" The NTSB will pick up every single can of soup and bottle of beer and weigh it all and give the info to your insurance company and it will go on your permanent record for the rest of your life!:B