wintersun wrote:
Be careful as these replacement bumpers can result in the air bags not activating in an accident. The airbags are usually activated by sensors behind the bumpers and designed to work in tandem with an impact. The people selling these bumpers are either not aware or not about to hurt their business by mentioning this aspect of the "upgrade".
Most aftermarket bumper makers wont talk about airbags because of legal issues
I think ARB sells air bag compliant bumpers but only because they payed for a crash test
My air bag sensors are in my front fender area
The lack of crush effect may in fact cause them to go off sooner , but they will still go off
I feel having more steel in front of me is a plus in an crash
The big three I think add crush for the cars you may hit more than the effect it may have on the truck occupants
Here isone aftermarket bumper makers explanation of it