Forum Discussion

rbadger28's avatar
Dec 14, 2015

Winter Camping in Cold

New owner of a Nash 25C travel trailer. Planning trip to Lake Tahoe next week where we will see freezing temps. We will be at a park on shore power.

Recently bought a space heater that i think will keep us warm inside and my preference is to use this heater as much as possible. The issue i have which i cant seem to find an easy solution to is if i want to have access to water and use the toilets, i need to keep the holding tanks warm, and the only way to do that is to run the heater constantly, albeit can be a low temp of 55 for example. However, if i am running the space heater inside to keep us at a comfortable 68 lets, say, there is no way to have the furnace running low to keep the holding tanks warm.

The more i think about this, the more i think i only have two options: 1.) abandon my space heater idea and run propane exclusively, allowing me full use of water. or 2.) use space heater but have zero water access, requiring showering and toileting elsewhere.

Am i missing anything? Any experienced RV'ers with a thought here would be much appreciated. Again, my ultimate goal is using electricity (as little propane as possible) to keep us warm, but still being able to shower and toilet.

Thanks so much!
  • If you are really up for spending some cash, I have a buddy that installed a Wabasto air heater in his under belly.

    He drove a truck for a long time and had an extra. There not cheap. But they can put out some heat. Just an Idea.
  • You can use a computer power supply fan for this. Just mount it on a piece of thin plywood and put it behind your return air grill so that all the air has to go out the fan blades.

    Things to really watch out for is the outside shower and depending on where your water pump and dump valves are. You can also get an electric pipe wrap and wrap it around sensitive areas. Better than a light bulb.
  • Pianotuna is this a type of "hack" or will i be able to find equipment designed for this?

    The dealer has said that by keeping the trailer warm with space heater, the ambient heat will be enough to keep tanks warm in underbelly. Being a newbie i just get nervous about damage.
  • Be sure to set up the fridge for cold weather. See the full time thread on winter camping.
  • Hi,

    Replace the return air grill with dual window fans. On my RV that move some air through the heating ducts.

  • Hmmm. That is interesting. Did you have your water tank full, or were you connected to water line?
    Did you put anything in your grey / black tanks to prevent freezing?
  • I owned a Nash 29V and heated it exclusively with electric space heaters. At 18 degrees, I had no frozen water problems. The heat loss through the floor seemed to keep the insulated belly warm enough to prevent freezing. The Nash units are very well insulated.