Forum Discussion

Ranger_Tim's avatar
Jun 04, 2023

Wolf Creek 840 Goes Lithium

Let me start by saying that I’m not an RV guru and definitely not an expert on electrical stuff. I have just enough handy skills to be able to use a screwdriver and a wrench. Everything else is usually a voyage of discovery.

We bought a 2016 Wolf Creek new and I loaded it with two 100 amp hour AGM batteries. They have given me a good service life but after 7 years I figured it was time to replace them. That meant trying to find a LiFePO2 solution in order to take advantage of the newer tech and better service life and output. I do not have deep pockets and cannot afford to buy batteries that will cost me multiple thousands of dollars, along with having state of the art connectors, etc. I needed a simple, cheap, yet effective solution. So I searched the net for products, watched Will Prowse and others on YT, and came up with what works for me and my wallet.

I had already bought a 100 Ah LiFePO4 ($219) for my trolling motor and was delighted with the performance, so I went back to them only to discover they had a newer model that was a smaller footprint with the same specs (100Ah Mini $249). I measured and found I could put three of them into the box instead of two, giving me 300 Ah! I ordered two and did a trial fit, then ordered number three. It worked well. The three just fit with plenty of space above for cabling.

Next I ordered the wrong WFCO converter replacement. Sent it back while ordering the correct one. It cost around $150 bucks. I know there are other vendors that have more reliable, better reputations, etc., but my original worked fine and it was cheap. Cheap and easy is important remember? It was a direct fit and required no wire cutting or other mods. I followed the instructions on the WFCO site with no difficulties. Five wires and Done! 300Ah of storage where there once was 200. I am a happy camper.

As soon as I sit at the desktop I will post pictures of the installed batts and the products. I figured there is bound to be someone else like me out there that is looking for a no-brained way to go Lithium. Be sure to kill all the power to the camper, 12v, generator and shore power before working on this stuff. This complete setup cost me about $1100, it would be 850 with the 3rd battery left out. Shipping was fast and free. They ship with reduced charge, so be sure to take that into consideration.

Before flaming me with shoulda-coulda posts remember that not all of us have the knowledge or skills that others display. If there are better, cheaper and easier ways to do this please post so others can benefit. Good luck to everyone!
  • Nice upgrade. I would not be surprised if you doubled usable capacity since you can run those batteries down more than AGM. I still get a supply of used AGM batteries I use till the next batch is available, so my cost is time and possible different connectors based on the batteries. I know this will dry up after the next batch, so I watch posts like yours for simpler less expensive solutions.
  • Let us know how you like it after you take a few trips.
  • This converter replacement is specific to my 55 amp model. There are several others that use the same type, just different Amps.

    There was plenty of space to get them into the box, although you would need to remove the center battery to access the other two.

    This is the battery that I used. There are other examples of similar size from other vendors that would work. And no, these do not have a low temperature charging cut-off protection circuit in the BMS. I usually remove the batteries for the winter, so I will just put an older AGM into it for the cold season. Besides, the battery box is not going to go below freezing while we are in the camper, and if it does I'll just disconnect from shore power to protect them.