My wife likes using the truck camper by herself and has also camped with her mother, niece, and our daughter individually and together. Up to this point, she hasn't loaded the camper, but there hasn't been a lot of need. I'm confident that she could if needed, but usually, she is getting stuff ready when I'm loading the camper if it isn't already on.
We see women by themselves sometimes. Last weekend, we saw a woman in a small tent by herself with the exception of her dog. She wasn't overt with where she was camped although she walked the campground. She turned in early and was up and gone early on the way to her next adventure. I'm sure there are women who stay in the RV while their counterparts are out doing activities. Other than traveling, they would be just as safe by themselves since they are for all practical purposes camping by themselves.
A few words about physical and internet safety since the topic was opened. Sure, it makes sense to be careful about what information you divulge if you are female, but the same goes for males for any information on the internet even if you know their internet personna. I don't think there are a lot of people out there that can stand up for themselves just because they are male even if they know the who to look out for. Weapons help but prevention is better! You get to choose how paranoid you want to be. If you want to know why you should consider your safety, read the news or avoid it for the opposite case.