I was actually surprised that someone... and a stranger at that, would actually want to set up a possible romantic encounter.... supposedly for a third person.
The Original Poster in no way suggested the need or desire for any such thing.
This kind of behavior on the part of one of our members is not what the truck camper forum or RV.net is about.
I expect that there are sites on the internet for that sort of thing.
I'm also pretty sure that if a person signed on to the TC forum as a guest or brand new member and requested such a meeting it would be seen suspiciously... some nefarious motive... and they'd probably be removed as a member.
Note: many people want to get away from other people... maybe go fly fishing, or squirrel hunting (and yes camping, back packing, etc)... some enjoy the company of a best friend or partner and still want to avoid other intrusions.
I'm very lucky... my best friend is my partner, and my wife... I see this a lot with truck camper folks... maybe it's if you enjoy being with your partner constantly in the space of a truck camper the bonds are very strong.
Janet and I are truly joined at the hip... 51 years and it's still getting better every day.
We have met hundreds of people in our TC travels that show that same kind of very long term commitment... many of you are them... and you often know the others that are that committed too.
I'm sure that Janet would be offended if I went fly fishing and someone suggested a female partner to keep me company. Or if she was walking alone for exercise along the lake and a stranger tried to fix her up with a partner for her stroll.... I'd be livid...
To the OP... stick with us... like most forums, there is a lot to learn, and a lot to ignore.
Be careful what you share.