joe b. wrote:
I suspect a great deal of whether anyone feels like going RVing solo, has a lot to do with how they are raised as kids. For the most part, little boys and girls are raised differently by most parents. My parents included did this. My sister had all sorts of rules to follow. If my brother and I made it home for supper a couple of times a week, my parents were OK with it. LOL
While my wife would drive our last Class C, she has no interest in taking our TC out on trips. As a licensed aircraft pilot, with most of her flying experience being Alaska bush flying, much of it by herself, security doesn't seem to be an issue. Recently she and our oldest daughter decided to go up to EPCOT for one of the themed events, Wine and Food or one of those. I asked if they planned to take the TC or the 5th wheel up. My daughters response was the typical princess one. Of course not Dad, who would empty the sewer tanks for us. Put me in my place quickly, LOL Noticed the credit card receipt showed they stayed at the Dolphin Hotel instead. Both of them have the idea that roughing it means slow room service.
From the responses, it would appear that about as many women solo travel, as do men in RVs. There is no real reason why not, women can raise the hood and stare at the engine compartment, as well as most men, and then call the road service number, like most men do.
I suspect the reason so many men don't solo travel, is in a week most would be starving and up to their knees in dirty clothes, without a clue as to how to solve either problem. LOL Women don't tend to be raised to be the line leader in most situations.
joe b, once in a while a post is so nice, informative, fun, and puts things into persperctive that it should be recognized... yours is.
Thanks for sharing... now we know