Me Again wrote:
mtofell1 wrote:
Interesting info but the thing that catches my eye right away is the "fear of prosecution". I don't think many people are afraid of getting hauled off to jail for running chips. It's the denying of warranty coverage.
Fear of prosecution is at the supplier level, not at the consumer level. Soon there will be no "chips" or delete pipes available commercially. Our son is in the wholesale exhaust business and they no longer stock ANY delete items.
The feds are pretty serious about this stuff and will continue to crack down. VW just gave them a big push to continue the effort.
And we have had the new 2015 for 5 or 6 weeks now, I see no reason to want to do anything to it other fuel/DEF it, change oil and filters as needed and than enjoy it. Well maybe create a couple little electical/mechanical fingers that would automagically push the exhaust brake and tow/haul buttons at startup.
Listen UP FCA do a flash that allows these to remain set!
The exhaust brake stays on after shut down and restart on the cab chassis models.