When I posted this thread I thought most would agree with my opinion. To the contrary. I always side with caution and don't push the limits of my tow vehicle as maybe it were intended. I guess every persons tow situation is different. I tow long distances and often in mountainous areas. On two lane, curvy roads with with 6% or higher grades. Some people may only be towing 30 miles each way on flat, straight roadways. I may think different if I towed short distances on straight, flat roadways.
Example: if your truck was rated for 12,000lbs. 10,000lbs trailer, 1,500 cargo, 500lbs of livelihood in your tow vehicle, 100lbs of firewood, 100lbs generator, 250lbs fuel = 12,450.
POINT BLANK a 1/2 ton truck is not a safe way to tow a 10,000lbs trailer, with all the amenities needed to take a trip.