You HAVE an MDT, whether you like it or not. The OP is looking at an MDT whether he limes it or not. Any vehicle with a 14k or higher to 33k lbs is an MDT. Less is a light duty truck. These two models are like the Ford ranger of the MDT world.
If I was choosing. I would look at both the RAM or Ford 45/55 series trucks. I would look at overall lowest gearing in first, along with which has the lowest gear in 4 lo of transfer case. Along with which has the most window disability, least hood blind spots. Highest wheel turn left to rightt in degrees. A 54* when cut rig with a 188" an can out turn a rig with 45* and 155" of an. My navigate can out turn radio's was my old 88 GM k3500 ext cab! With 30" more an due to the front wheels turning more.
A few things to add to what you should look for.