noxinnhoj wrote:
nice tr buzz,very nice pics,and thanks for the info on insulating my windows.We have a lot of grizzlie bears in B.C.,just hope they are sleeping for the winter soon as we are out and about...
You are not kidding about the Grizzlies. We were Tent camping in Jasper in one of the many campgrounds just off the Highway from Jasper to Banff back in my youthful days when around 4 am there was this loud metallic bang followed by the sounds of one pissed off grizz. Loud Roars banging of metal, scared the piss out of me then we heard the ranger trucks pull up and we went to check it out. 3 sites down they had a metal pipe grizzlie trap on a trailer and inside was one big very mad bear. The Ranger read the bears weight on the traps scale loaded up the proper tranquilizer and darted him. They hooked up the trailer and drove it off replacing it with a newly baited empty one. I asked what they did with the bear. he said that they fly them about 200km away and drop them off. takes a week or so for them to make their way back. So wild.