dieseltruckdriver wrote:
penguin149 wrote:
Looking at water hoses for next season and making my Christmas list. Thinking about getting a Zero-G hose but not sure which one.
Blue RV/Marine hose is 1/2"; less volume and see complaints that it says do not keep under pressure? Aren't all RV hoses under pressure when in use?!
Blue Zero-G
Which one is best for travel trailer use?
This is the one that I use, and it isn't under pressure because I use it to fill my tank.
I am almost saying this too much anymore, but why are people afraid to use their built in fresh water tank?
I'm not afraid to, but if I've got water at the site it's a heck of a lot more convenient to not have to even think about how much I'm using, plus there's no noise and vibration like with the pump.