Forum Discussion
This new website sucks. sorry to say.
Latest post firsts lame it should be first post first so you can see the direction of the thread.
I definitly won't be a regular poster here or occasional for that matter.
I'll be at the rally in Redding and such so hopefully Adamis will keep me updated on email.
Lame just lame.
- AnEv942Dec 07, 2023Nomad
You can change how threads display under settings/preferences/liner layout.
- StirCrazyDec 07, 2023Moderator
you can chage the default order of the post layoutsso it does go like it was ie. oldest first. but anyone who think it is all because of the new site that this forum isn't doing that well right now obviously hasnt been following it for over 5 years. every year I get puzzeled that the truck camper just dies off when camping season is over then starts up again when it starts, its just the way it has always been.. does the new forum suck.. well now that I am figuring some stuff out playing around, it doesnt suck as bad, but it is still not my prefered format for a forum. one thing is the spell check I have built into my browser doesnt seam to work on the new forum so you guys will have to forgive me of my spelling at times haha