Forum Discussion

fishingcamper's avatar
Mar 19, 2021

Custom/DIY Truck Camper Tie Downs

Looking to avoid the $600 price tag on the torklift frame mounting system. Anyone have a good solution?

TC Lance 845 2800# Dry No Slide Out
  • cooldavidt wrote:
    Hey Mallow
    What did you actually see? A broken Brophy or it popped out of the hole?
    If the latter it was not installed properly

    It was ripped out of the hole, you can't really expect a truck bed to take that kind of force time and again, especially modern truck beds. I would recommend a belly bar and bumper buttons over Brophy ANY day.
  • How many tens of thousands do you have in the truck? How many tens of thousands do you have in the camper? I just don't see any rational reason to pinch pennies on the tiedowns. $600 is chump change. Your time is worth something. Raw materials are not cheap.

    I bought the Torklift fronts for my $2000 camper and have not regretted it for a minute.
  • Hey Mallow
    What did you actually see? A broken Brophy or it popped out of the hole?
    If the latter it was not installed properly
  • Brophy works well.
    Cheapest is chain and a turnbuckle
  • Look up belly bar. You can make them pretty easily, it will get you started till you figure out if you want to upgrade to better mounts for the front. As mentioned the back is easy with bumper buttons or building off the hitch.

    Also check out happijac, you can find them used from time to time and it is a good system on older trucks (you don't have your year in signature).
  • For front $300 is good price, but for the rear I build my own.
    Using some junk I already had, I bought $10 worth of material and slightly over 1 hr of labor/welding.
    Posted the pictures several times already.