Forum Discussion

brain's avatar
May 14, 2024

Looking for bnk parts

2006 OKanagan 117DBL and kids... ๐Ÿ™‚

The net in front of the top bunk has issues, and I'd like to replace.  I know Western Leisure is no more, and Adventurer is not making Eagle Cap any longer, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a source for this type of net:

I tried to call Adventurer, since I figured Eagle Cap might have similar, but no response.








  • My Host has a net for the bunk.  You might check with them.

  • wow I missed that anouncment last year, erp re named to Adventurer manufacturing, added the scout line and paused eagle cap.  

    I would still contact them, I know the adventurer 910DB uses a net like that on the bunk, as well as the 901 bunk model so most likely thoes would work on yours also..  at worst you have to change some fasteners.  to me its the dimentions that would be important, fastening it different is always easy.  

  • Maybe see if one of the bunkhouse trailer models has bed nets?