It's funny how some view camping..When I was a youngster and had an 8ft Sturdi built TC on a '57 GMC my best friends and I would go water sking and fishing..Two couples(4 adults) in an 8ft TC with never an issue because most of the time was outside..Sleeping was never an issue either..Two on the dinette and two in the bunk and games at the dinette..
I once did the same with four guys Elk hunting in a semi-overhead(pullout upper bunk) TC..I furnished the truck and he furnished the horses and trailer..We did fine,again because we were off riding and hunting with an occasional card game at the dinette...
A place to sleep not hangout in, is the way I use an RV..Others don't it appears..A truck camper gets you into places a TT won't get, if it ain't a monster TC..LOL
There are pro's and con's to each RV type and one has to get the type that best fits his needs in the outdoors..