Terryallan wrote:
gvgeode wrote:
After losing our CalMark Sunbrella cover during a very hurried evacuation from the recent River fire I've decided to put in a concrete pad and a metal carport for our truck camper and not have to deal with getting the cover on and off, sometimes in a hurry. I wasn't able to find any forum topics on the subject of metal carports for RVs. I've found lots of companies online that sell these carports so I thought I'd reach out here and see what thoughts you might have. Any recommendations or suggestions?
Before you pull the trigger. I would get a contractor to make you a price on a "Pole" shed. I got one of those instead of the metal carport. Why/ because it was not only built better, but was also less expensive. a 13' high 16' wide, and 40'longe metal carport is going to be expensive. May as well get a better one for the same or less.
13X16X40? Big truck camper.
OP, I don't know about your area, but many places the bigger the building the more regulations you run into. A smooth floor, and fine brush finish on the driveway in front would let you offload the camper on car dollies, lower it down, and roll it into a smaller pole building.