No Alli behind a 6.0.
And Dodges don’t “rust” any more than any of the other big 2 from your 2000s era desired vehicles.
Heck I got a buddy with an 05 F150 in IL. We call it the “museum” because he’s so anal about it and it hardly ever got driven until a couple years ago. I think it might have 100k on it now…
Mostly kept inside every and all winter and if he took it up north snomachining it got double undercarriage washed. Plus he typically sprayed the inside of the body panels every couple years with Fluid film or similar. That thing has rust breaking out of PERFECT paint, like a teenagers pimples when they hit puberty!
And none of them will rust at all for years if you buy one NOT from the Midwest to start with….it would be about 98% foolish to buy a 20 year old pickup that came from anywhere north of Tennessee Arkansa and anywhere east of the Mississippi, in general. The last 2% are the aforementioned diamonds in a goats ass, owned typically by some one who only towed their rv in the good months and stored it religiously once the rain turned white EVERY year.
But, Rust free trucks aren’t special where vehicles are 90% of them rust free….just sayin.
And again, buying an old truck, sure there’s a few things you DONT want. Like a 6.0 Flowerjoke, a Dodge with a 47/48re, and that’s about it. After that the reliability of any of em is far more about the condition of the truck and the miles than it is on the emblem on the grille!
Unless you have unlimited time to find the perfect 8.1/Alli AND the owner isn’t an “I know what I got” kinda feller.
Also since you’re on a tight budget, look for 2wd trucks. With the ridiculous costs these last couple years, 2wds are an even better value.