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A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}

Explorer II
Explorer II
Went camping this weekend at a campground on the lake, had not been there for a few years. Once there I began to walk around looking at the different sites when I noticed a very old dog. He just lay there until I got too close then he got up on three legs and hobbled away. Just judging I would say he is at least 11 years old. Well back to my story. The next afternoon he wanders into camp and just sits there looking. He looked so sad, so the wife got a bowl of our dog's food and put it down for him and he came over and ate. He then walked over to our dog and the two of them sniffed each other over and then they lay down together for the rest of the afternoon. That night he disappeared.
The next morning he was back and was a little more receptive of me. I looked at his injured leg and found that half of his rear foot was gone. It had healed and was not causing any problem except that he was walking on the stub that was left with no foot pad which causes him to limp. His front teeth were gone except for one canine tooth and it looked decayed. His eyes were tired looking and showing his age. He spent the rest of the day just laying around looking for a handout and by afternoon the campground host came around and saw him. I enquired about the dog and was told he had been there for three years and that most of the campers were tolerant of him and gave him food.
So what to do? Do you pick him up and bring him home or do you let nature take it course. He can't harm anyone, he has no teeth and he isn't a nuisance unless you don't like dogs, and no one seems to mind him being there. He is gentle and likes other animals as seen by his interaction with our dog. He still would not let me touch him but he would eat from my hand. Enough said, what would you do???

On June 28th 2008 Old Fella passed away of complications caused by bone cancer. Fella spent almost three years with his new family and became the icon of rescued old stray dogs. He will be greatly missed but his foot prints have been left in our hearts forever.

Now Charlie, the ten year old rescued Golden Lab has come to be a part of the continuing Old Fella story. (*Note, Charlie took his journey to Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly September 30, 2008)Suzie continues to charm her way into our hearts with her antics as she has grown from a puppy into a young lady. Togther they will carry on the Old Fella legacy. Come join us in their daily lives and be a part of the best feel good thread in RV.NET history. The legacy lives on.

HIghways Article Puppy Love

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
32,293 REPLIES 32,293

Explorer II
Explorer II
Awful quite on here lately.
Dan & Patty
Miss Pickles the Pomeranian Princess Rainbow Bridge 8/8/2023
2020 GMC 3500 Sierra Denali 6.6 Duramax / Allison tranny
2021 Jayco Eagle 319MLOK
BWRVK 3710 companion
Maddy the Pampered Pom @ Rainbow Bridge 12-3-2013

Explorer II
Explorer II
dturm wrote:
Toolguy5 wrote:
Patty received her first dose of vaccine today. She got ' :)Phizer. I am scheduled for March 19th.

Fantastic!! We got our second yesterday. Arm is a little sore, but no other reactions.

Richard, sorry to hear of your issues. Like Walter said, keep the faith.

Fantastic! Looks like things are starting to improve. Seams to be more vaccine being available.
Cases in Ohio are coming down about 15% of the state has at least 1 shot. ๐Ÿ™‚
Dan & Patty
Miss Pickles the Pomeranian Princess Rainbow Bridge 8/8/2023
2020 GMC 3500 Sierra Denali 6.6 Duramax / Allison tranny
2021 Jayco Eagle 319MLOK
BWRVK 3710 companion
Maddy the Pampered Pom @ Rainbow Bridge 12-3-2013

Toolguy5 wrote:
Patty received her first dose of vaccine today. She got Phizer. I am scheduled for March 19th.

Fantastic!! We got our second yesterday. Arm is a little sore, but no other reactions.

Richard, sorry to hear of your issues. Like Walter said, keep the faith.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV


Yes, keep the faith!

Iโ€™m so sorry to hear about this recent health update.

Iโ€™m sending positive energy and prayers your way
and hoping that you will be feeling better soon!

***Every day is a new day and a fresh start!

?????????? (Edited as those question marks were supposed to be emojis of a: teddy bear, sun, hugs, and a peace sign! )

Take care!

Explorer II
Explorer II
Patty received her first dose of vaccine today. She got Phizer. I am scheduled for March 19th.
Dan & Patty
Miss Pickles the Pomeranian Princess Rainbow Bridge 8/8/2023
2020 GMC 3500 Sierra Denali 6.6 Duramax / Allison tranny
2021 Jayco Eagle 319MLOK
BWRVK 3710 companion
Maddy the Pampered Pom @ Rainbow Bridge 12-3-2013

Explorer II
Explorer II
Sorry you are having health issues Richard.
Like Walter said keep the faith.
Dan & Patty
Miss Pickles the Pomeranian Princess Rainbow Bridge 8/8/2023
2020 GMC 3500 Sierra Denali 6.6 Duramax / Allison tranny
2021 Jayco Eagle 319MLOK
BWRVK 3710 companion
Maddy the Pampered Pom @ Rainbow Bridge 12-3-2013

Sorry to hear all the bad news, Richard. All I can say is to keep the faith.

Walter & Garland - Camp Canine caretakers
Miss Inga (aka "Shorty") - 10 y.o. old GSD.
Gen. Gretchen - Joined Rainbow Div., June 27, 2017 at age 13
Gen. Missy - Joined Rainbow Div., June 11,2006 at age 12
2018 Montana HC305RL 5th wheel
2018 Silverado HD 6.0L

I certainly am keeping you in my prayers, Richard. I pray they can get a handle on your problems and give you some relief from the symptoms.

Best wishes.

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida

Explorer II
Explorer II
Neither SUe nor I have gotten the vaccine shot for the covort19. I am steadily going down hill. It doesn't look that good for me right now. something new keeps coming up every day. Now its my heart and Afib. I thought I was past that. BUt the doctor says that is what caused my stroke and now he is convinced that I may have another one. NO more driving for me fir another six months Back to the heart monitor for another round of tests. I wish everyone well and that you have a great summer. be sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

Hope all is well! Life is one day at at a time! Every day is a new day and a fresh start!

I wonder if anxiety is maybe playing into your health concerns? I know anxiety plays into my health both emotional and physical.

Do you ever use text to speech apps or and accessibility features or audiobooks? It might be an option to distract from your health concerns. (Also if reading by sight is getting distracting maybe using test to speech apps or accessibility features on your electronic devices might be an alternative. I know I have been using these features as my eyes are getting old and reading by sight tires them out something awful! )

I really shouldnโ€™t be surprised after 2020, but this has been a crazy, snowy and cold winter! Thankfully it is almost over! Only a couple more months of cold and damp weather here in the NE and then it should get warmer. Just hope itโ€™s not too wet or too dry in Spring and Summer!

I wake up each day and am so grateful, and I view it as gift and so thankful to be able to share it and to have my family, my parents, and friends present each day in my life!

Regarding traveling - We also hope to be heading south to visit my parents in Fl maybe tomorrow seeing as the weather is supposed to improve by then and we are less likely to worry about water freezing in the pipes and cracking the plumbing! Still worry about the virus, as we are too young to be offered the vaccine, and we just got back to a safer community positivity rate here (less than 3% community positivity rate) a in comparison to Fl where itโ€™s still just shy of 7% in Fl, which really makes us nervous, but my parents are high risk, so I want to be closer and try to help them out at least do shopping for them as they donโ€™t use the apps so we can order and pickup curbside for them instead of them going into the buildings where itโ€™s riskier for them to be.

Also, in your last post noted your considering a pop up! That would be great as you could continue with camping opportunities! Maybe we will meet up out there on the trail sometime!

Be safe and hope all is well! Take care!

Dixie Flyer wrote:
well today seems to be a better day. Overall I would say Parkinson is getting the better of me.. can't go anywhere or do anything comfortably. MY mind wonders from one subject to another. I will start something and in the middle of it, I will stop and start thinking of something else. If I start reading something I will lose concentration and become confused and stop reading and move on to something else. Right now I am having a hard time typing this post. I think I will stop for now and rest. Good bye folks. have a blessed day. GIve the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them

Explorer II
Explorer II
well today seems to be a better day. Overall I would say Parkinson is getting the better of me.. can't go anywhere or do anything comfortably. MY mind wonders from one subject to another. I will start something and in the middle of it, I will stop and start thinking of something else. If I start reading something I will lose concentration and become confused and stop reading and move on to something else. Right now I am having a hard time typing this post. I think I will stop for now and rest. Good bye folks. have a blessed day. GIve the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone you love them
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

Explorer II
Explorer II
we are still here. Seem to be well. Have gotten the vacine shot yet, most likely won't either. All the family is doing well. Yesterday I had a off day, felt strange. today has been a good day. THe weatherman says we can expect snow and sleet tonight and in the morning. Says the accumulation will be enough to cause problems interstate. they have put out an advisory to stay home in the morning if you don'tn have to be out.

I have enough fire wood if the power goes out we will still be able to stay warm. Each day I can see where the Parkinson is becoming more noticeable. I hope all is well with everyone. Keep on camping folks. Sue and I have about decided to get a pop up. ON with a shower and toilet. WE had one back in the 90's. it was okay. you could heat it with two small electric heaters. It was comfortable even when it was down in the teens at night. Sue can drive and pull teh pop up without any problem. )kay I need to get moving so I will close for now wishing everyone a blessed evening. Be sure to give the fur babies a hug for me and be sure to tell someone youlove them.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

The weather around here is fairly normal for this time of year. Most of us get used to it, but it's just harder as we get older.

We by no means have it worse than many areas of the country. Northern Wisconsin, the UP of Michigan, northern Ohio and western PA and NY get more snow than we do and International Falls, MN always seems to set the low temp records.

The spring and fall make up for the winter.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

Nomad II
Nomad II
Dturm, makes me very glad to live down here. Our little bout with Uri was bad, but it only lasts a few days, where you get weeks and weeks of nasty winter.

You and the fur babies stay safe up there.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Toolguy5 wrote:
Cold and snowy for the next 2 days. Artic blast with blizzard conditions tonight

May see 12 to 14 inches of snow ny tomorrow

This has been a terrible winter to be stuck at home. We're also due for more snow, they say up to 9 inches. We already had a foot then multiple "little" add-ons with 2-4 inches each. We have gotten above 20 only once all this month and low has been -8.

I've had to shovel paths for Kaylee. Sasha uses them but also like to run (hop) through the snow that's a little deeper than chest deep.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV