Forum Discussion
Dec 14, 2010Explorer II
Here is a Christmas Story. I hope it stays for all to read.
In recent years there lived an old dog in a fishing village in upper Maine. He hung out around the fishing boats and the town pub hoping for a hand out. Most folks called him Blackie, others called him trouble as he often got into the garbage cans looking for food thrown out from the locals that live there. You could see him darting in and out of the ally ways and making his way down the streets most any time of day. His favorite hang out was near the school where he would watch the children come and go. Often some of the kids would offer him a left over sandwich, which he would almost swallow whole.
No one knew where he came from but there were rumors he came ashore in a storm one evening. A nor’easter that was one of the strongest there had ever been recoded. There were some fishing boats lost at sea that day and there was one particular yacht that was lost with all hands except for one twelve year old girl who by some miracle was picked up by the Cost Guard alive but was in very serious condition. The girl was taken to a local hospital where she spent more than a month in recovery before she was taken in by her Aunt and Uncle. Now orphaned by the storm she didn’t speak for a long time about the loss of her parents, nor what actually happened that day. Her name was Sarah a bright young girl but with both legs severely broken she was bound to a wheel chair and was told she may never walk again. This village being a beautiful place for pictures, photographers would often visit this small little fishing village and photograph the harbors and the ships tied at dock with their fishing nets draped from the masts. It was December and the scenes of Christmas were everywhere with the sounds and smell of the season in the air.
It was at this particular time a photographer, a young lady came to the village to take some snap shots to use in an advertisement for a magazine she worked for in New York. She had often visited the area and loved the people and the atmosphere. This year was exceptional with the snow fall and the shops being decorated with the evergreens and the colors of Christmas hung everywhere. There was one shop that she just fell in love with its colors of bright red, green, and gold with a large wreath hanging in the window. She turned to take a picture and then realizing there was a strange dog standing underneath it she hesitated for a moment and then snapped it anyway.
Several days later while making her rounds she came in contact with the strange black dog again. She stopped and looked at him as he gazed back at her. It was strange but she couldn’t help but feel there was something special about this old black dog. He looked tired and the cold winter was taking its toll on him. She tried to call him over to see if she could give him a pat on the head, but he would have none of it and disappeared into an ally. “Don’t waste your time trying to pat that old dog.” A voice said. She turned to see an old man with a heavy beard and a weathered face standing behind her. “He’s been hanging around these parts for years now. “Some folks say he came from the sea late one evening after a storm had wrecked some ships out there.” Some folks say he came from a burned out family that moved off and left him.” The old man said “How long has he been here?” She asked. “Oh maybe about five or six years now, could be longer.”
With that she left and went back to the hotel she was staying at and wondered about a story she had heard from her distant relative about a cousin of hers who lost her parents in a storm at sea about that same time and in the same area. She recalled them having a dog with them on that trip. She wondered if it could be the same dog now years older?
Sarah’s life had been sad since she lost her parents and no matter what the doctors said about her being able to walk Sarah refused to get out of the wheel chair. Life for her had become her room, her pictures and her memories.
Back at the hotel Jessica decided to call her mother to find out how things were back home. After the small talk she asked, “Mom, do you remember cousin Sarah’s accident when she lost her parents?” “Yes I do.” Her mom replied. “What can you tell me about her dog that was with them?” Jessica asked. “Gosh honey I don’t remember much except he was a black Lab I think.” Her mom answered. “Sarah has never gotten over loosing that dog as well as her parents.” She concluded. “Mom do you or any one else happen to have a picture of that dog?” Jessica asked. “Why? Why would you want to know that?” her mom asked with a puzzled voice. “Never mind right now. I might just be exaggerating or I may be looking at a ghost from the past.” Jessica replied.” There is a dog here in the village that has been hanging around as a stray for about five years. That is when Sarah lost her parents in the storm. This black dog is thought to have swum ashore during the storm and has been hanging around here ever since.” “Honey that’s impossible. The Coast Guard said no one could have survived in that water for very long. Sarah was very lucky to be alive. . I am sure it’s not the same dog.” Her mother said.
Still not satisfied Jessica once again asked, “Mom please see if you can get me a picture of the dog and send it to me at the hotel by over night mail. I am not going to leave here until I am satisfied this is not the same dog. I have heard how much that dog meant to Sarah and if this is the same one then I am going to try and bring him back with me.” “Have you lost your mind?” Jessica’s mother asked. “You be careful and don’t take any chances with that old stray dog, you understand me Jessica?”
With that Jessica and her mom said good bye and Jessica spent a sleepless night thinking about the old black dog. The next morning Jessica was up early and walking the streets with her camera in hand looking for the dog that had now become an obsession to her. When she would stop someone and ask about the dog people would look at her as if she were strange. She was walking along the sidewalk and was stepping into the street when suddenly she was struck by a young man ridding a bicycle. The impact sent him tumbling onto the pavement knocking her down as well. Jessica jumped to her feet only to find she couldn’t stand. She then crawled over to the man lying on the pavement to see if he was hurt. He was lying motionless with a big gash on his forehead. “Help somebody, help.” She cried. People rushed over to lend a hand. “Why its Robert Cross” one bystander said. “Is he hurt someone else asked.” I don’t know. He is out like a light.” Someone else added. Jessica asked for someone to call an ambulance to carry him to the hospital. Robert began to move and tried to sit up. Jessica took hold of him and said “Don’t move someone has called an ambulance to take you to the hospital. You have a nasty cut on your head and it is bleeding badly.’” “Oh I’ll be okay in a minute” he said and tried to get up and past out again.
At the hospital Jessica got her injured ankle wrapped and waited to see how Robert was doing. Finally the doctor came out to dismiss Jessica from the hospital and she took the opportunity to ask about Robert. “He’ll be just find.” The doctor said. “Just a bump on the head. A few stitches and he’ll be like new.” Will he be going home today?” Jessica asked. “Sure. By the way he was asking about you. You might want to stick around he will be coming out in a few minutes. You must be that photographer lady everyone has been talking about?” the doctor said. Jessica was surprised to hear she had become someone of interest in the village. “Everyone has been asking about me?” she asked. “Well it’s like this young lady. It’s not every day a beautiful young girl comes to this town by herself.” With that the doctor turned and went back inside the large double doors that led to the emergency room clinic.
Jessica waited for Robert to walk out of the double doors for about twenty minutes and was about to give up when Robert appeared. He paused for a moment and said ’You must be Jessica?” And she replied “You must be Robert?” “I have seen a lot of women before, but I have never been literally knocked out by one before.’ Robert said. Jessica was a bit embarrassed by what had happened and began to apologize. “I am so sorry. I hope you will be okay?” Jessica said. Robert beginning to get his wits about him answered “The only way I am ever going to have a complete recovery is for you to go out with me tonight. Doc said I might have to have constant supervision for a while just in case I have a fainting spell.” Jessica had been hit on by guys before but never like this. “I don’t know? I a have a lot to do and I’m expecting a phone call tonight that I really need to get.” “Boy friend, husband?” Robert inquired. Jessica shot back with “No its my mother as a matter of fact.” “Oh?” Robert said, “So you’re a momma’s girl.” “No, it’s not like that at all. Look, I have to go, maybe some other time okay.” With that Jessica left and went back to the hotel.
Wanting to know more about Sarah’s accident she began to make a list of people who she thought might shed some light on what had happened. Sarah was a second cousin to her mother and had been distant from her family. Sarah’s father came from money and he himself was a very good business man and had acquired a great deal of wealth. With his death and the death of his wife everything went into a trust for Sarah. Sarah was an only child and that was about all Jessica knew about her.
Jessica couldn’t stand it any longer so she called her mother on the phone. “Hi mom, have you been able to get me a picture of the dog?” she asked. I have done better than that,” her mom replied. I have gotten you some information about him and Betty is sending me one of Buddy’s favorite toys. Just as soon as it‘s delivered I will send it to you at the hotel. It turns out that Buddy was a Christmas present from Sarah’s dad and he was two years old when the accident happened” “How did you get all of that information?” Jessica asked. “It’s a long story.” She replied. “You see ever since the accident Sarah has believed Buddy to be alive. She has held on to that hope all of these years. She has kept everything of Buddy’s just as it was since the day they left for the cruise to Nova Scotia. “Then Sarah is living in the same house as she did with her parents?” Jessica asked. “Yes,” her mother said. The will stated that Sarah could live there as long as she wanted so her Aunt and Uncle sold their property and moved into the house with her. As soon as she turns twenty-one then she will become responsible for her own welfare and her Aunt and uncle’s obligation to her is over.”
“So when do you think I will get the package?” Jessica asked. “In about three days.” Her mom said. “Okay mom. I love you and I will talk with you later.” With that the conversation was over. Jessica went down to the hotel lobby to get a cup of coffee and read the local news paper. She has sustained a nasty sprained ankle when she was hit by the bicycle so getting about wasn’t all that easy. Once down stairs she went to a table by a front window which faced the town square. In the middle of the square was a park with a huge Christmas tree with bleachers erected facing a platform next to the tree. When the waitress came over to get Jessica’s order Jessica asked, “What going on at the park?”. “Oh, that,” the waitress answered. “We always have a Christmas celebration every year over there. The village choir will get together Friday night and the Christmas tree lights will be turned on during the celebration. Jessica thought that would be four days from now, maybe she might still be around to see it.
The next morning Jessica was awaken to a beautiful snow fall. It apparently had been snowing all night as the ground was completely covered. Her first thoughts were to get out as soon as she could and try to find Buddy known to the villagers as Blackie. She had been lazy that morning and slept later than usual so the morning was almost gone by the time she got started. Walking through the village streets on her sore ankle she looked into every ally and back path she could find. She must have looked suspicious to those who saw her, but nevertheless she kept up the search. On the outskirts of the village she came upon a shop of sorts that had as its proprietor an old man. He was dressed a little different from most folks as his clothes were a little on the worn side and needed pressing. He was smoking a crooked old pipe but the most remarkable thing about him was his crystal blue eyes that looked as if they could see straight through you.
Rummaging through the articles he had laid out she came across some strange looking objects and asked about them. “Oh that is an old fisherman’s hook.” He said. That is used to hook the big fish and draging’m abroad.” “Do you pick up much stuff washed up on the beach?” Jessica asked. “Some” replied the old man. The North Atlantic can be treacherous at times and a lot of cargo and other stuff will wash up after a wreck. Looking in a corner she spied something that really caught her eye. There was a large white board that apparently had been broken off of a ship with the name “Sarah” on it. “Where did you find this?” she inquired. “That washed up on the beach after the big nor’ ester a few years back.” He replied. “That was the biggest blow we had seen in a century.” Sinking into deep thought she asked “Tell me, do you recall ever seeing a black stray dog hanging around the village?” “You mean the one they call Blackie?” he added. “Yes, that’s him. Tell me if you can, when was the first time you saw him?” “Don’t reckon I can do that,” He said. “Think for a moment” Jessica asked, “could it have been around the time of the nor’easter a few years back?” “Now that you mention it, it was the next morning I saw him right out there on the beach. He was soaking wet and dragging himself along as if he was on his last leg.” “How much for that board with the name Sarah on it?” she asked. “Oh I couldn’t sell that,” he said. It’s a piece of the past that belongs to these parts and needs to stay right where it is,” the old man said. Then Jessica began to tell her story to the man about Blackie and who she thought he really was and where he came from. She told him about Sarah and her parents and how Sarah had never walked again after the accident and how she still believed the dog to be alive. Then she asked once again how much for the wooden piece with Sarah’s name on it?
Having bought the wooden plaque of the sunken yacht she hurried back to the hotel to get her car so she could go back and pick it up. Arriving at the hotel the desk clerk told her something had been delivered to the hotel for her. Trying to imagine who would have sent her anything she watched as the desk clerk placed on the counter top a beautiful dozen red roses with a card on it. and said “Seems you have made a big impression on someone here in the village young lady.” Slightly embarrassed she took the flowers and hurried to her room. Opening the card she read. “Hope you are free for dinner tomorrow night. I would like to see you under different circumstances”, Signed Robert.
Having driven out to the old man’s junk shop and retrieved the name plague from the boat she was back in her room trying to put together the puzzle surrounding Blackie who may be Sarah’s Buddy when she got a phone call from the front desk. It was Robert so not wanting to be rude she answered the phone. “Hi Robert,” she answered. “Look Jessica I really would like to see you. I understand you have been asking about the old black dog everyone calls Blackie? How would you like to meet him face to face?” Now that he got her attention, but she was leery thinking maybe this was just a ploy to get her to go out with him. But he really wasn’t bad looking, as a matter of fact he was down right handsome. “So how can you arrange that?” she asked. “Well he and I are on first name basis he answered. He comes around the house a lot and I leave food out for him. There has been a time or two he has actually let me touch him,” Robert said. “So you want me to come to your house and wait to see if he shows up?” Jessica asked. “Look Robert, you seem a to be nice guy, but I am not interested in dating or any kind of relationship with anyone at this time and if that is your motive for telling me about the dog then you can just forget it,” Jessica replied. “Well I must admit that is part of the reason I brought up the dog, but I really think you owe me after knocking me to the pavement and bursting my head open. But then I am interested in knowing why you are so interested in that dog?” Robert let his voice drop waiting for the answer he was looking for. “Look,” Robert said if you would just tell me about you and the dog maybe I could help in some way. “Okay,” Jessica said “I will meet with you but not at your house.” “Great I know a nice restaurant just down the road a piece where the food is great and there are lots of people so you won’t feel uncomfortable with me. I will pick you up at the hotel at six O’clock. Is that okay? Robert asked. “Sure I’ll be ready.” With that Jessica hung up the phone.
Robert was right on time and the drive out to the restaurant was down a lonely dark highway for about fifteen miles. Robert talked all the way there trying to make Jessica feel comfortable and letting her know as much about him as possible. By this time Robert was hooked on Jessica.
Jessica found out Robert operated a real-estate office there in the village he started when he graduated from college. He had been engaged once but it didn’t work out. He hadn’t met anyone he was interested in since, but he was making a big to do over Jessica and she knew it. She didn’t offer Robert any information about her self at this time wanting to keep the relationship on a business basis.
Once at the restaurant Robert escorted Jessica in and found a table next to the fireplace. It was a rustic setting and the decor fit the area’s appeal to boats and harbors along with the birds found in the area. After the meal was ordered Robert began to asked questions of why Jessica was in the area. She explained she worked for a magazine and was a photo journalist. She had come to the area to take pictures for a magazine cover and article when she noticed the village dog named Blackie. It was then she explained her interest in Blackie and Sarah’s tragic story. “if this is Sarah’s dog then I want to take him back with me so I can give him to her for Christmas,” Jessica concluded.
Robert thought for a while and then said, “Suppose Blackie doesn’t want to go back with you? Maybe he likes it here and wants to stay.” Jessica was a little angered at Robert suggesting that Blackie would like it better living out in the cold and starving to death when there was a home waiting for him where he would be taken care of, for in her mind she was already convinced Blackie was indeed Sarah’s long lost dog named Buddy. “Look,” Jessica said with a little bit if harshness. “I have made up my mind that Sarah is going to get a chance to see if this is really her lost dog and if not then he has found a home with me!” “Oh my gosh, what have I just said Jessica thought? Now she was on the hook for sure. She had just taken in an old stray not knowing anything about him. What if he was wild and ---- what am I going to do with a dog living in an apartment. Now she had stuck her foot in her mouth big time.
Robert sensing Jessica’s determination decided to let the subject drop. After an evening meal Robert drove Jessica back to the hotel and dropped her off. Jessica hoped the package would arrive soon so she could finish her business and return home to New York.
On the New England coast another drama was playing out. Sarah’s Aunt Betty was contemplating of telling Sarah about Jessica and perhaps Buddy may have been found. Betty decided to talk it over with her husband Herb before attempting to tell Sarah. His big concern was what if it wasn’t Buddy and what a disappointment this would be for her if it turned out all wrong. Sarah was having a very bad day and the pain in her legs was getting worse with the muscle cramps. She hated the exercise and refused to do them even though the doctor told her if she ever wanted to walk again she needed to do the physical therapy to build back the strength in her legs. Sarah spent much of the day in her room which had become a shrine of sorts to her parents and Buddy. There were pictures of Sarah with her parents ridding horses, spending time on the yacht. One of her favorites was a picture of Buddy the Christmas she got him. He was a cute black ball of energetic fur getting into everything and going everywhere, pulling on the gifts under the tree, tearing into the wrapping paper. But the picture she cherished most was one of him licking her face as she lay on the floor with him. Buddy had a birth mark inside one of his ears that resembled the head of a rabbit, so he came close to being named Rabbit, but Sarah decided to name him Buddy instead.
As Buddy grew he and Sarah were inseparable except when she was in school. Buddy had figured out the time of the afternoon when Sarah would come home and meet the car at the driveway. Barking and running as fast as he could he would race to the house taking the short cut across the field. Once when Sarah was very sick Buddy stayed by her side until she was well enough to be up and about. Then there was the time Sarah was thrown from her horse and couldn’t get up. Buddy ran back to the house for help and brought the family back to Sarah’s side. Sarah always thought her parents and Buddy would always be around at least until she became an adult. Her life was changed in an instant with the ship wreck. The Coast Guard said in the storm the boat without power was driven into the reefs and sank within minutes of the collision. A distress call from the ship’s radio had caused the Coast Guard to dispatch a ship and helicopter to the location, but by the time they arrived all they could find was Sarah amongst the ship’s debris floating in her life jacket her father had put on her. The collision with the reef was so violet Sarah was thrown from the ship hitting both legs on the ships railings. If the Cost Guard hadn’t gotten there as soon as they did she would have drown as well.
Sarah’s life was now aimless and without meaning. She didn’t care to go out or to be with other people. Each year seemed to get worse for her. Aunt Betty in a desperate attempt to do something to bring Sarah back to a life with hope decided to do something risky.
Betty approached Herb and stood looking at him for the longest time. Herb watched Betty and knew she was about to say or do something. Finally Herb said, “Okay Betty let’s have it. I know you have some hair brain idea about doing something so just get it out.” “Herb I want to take Sarah to Jessica. I want to take her to that village in upper Maine where the dog is.” Betty was very determined but at the same time not wanting to over power Herb with this idea of hers. “Have you thought this over Betty? Just suppose this doesn’t work out, if this dog isn’t Buddy what will happen then. And have you thought just how disappointed Sarah will be if this doesn’t work out.” Herb suggested. “Where there is faith and hope there is always a way to make things right.” Betty said. “I just have a feeling about this,” she said. “Trust me on this one. First I will call Jessica’s mom and find out where she is and you and I along with Sarah will make the trip there.” Betty seemed to be so pleased with her self at that moment she was almost giddy. Immediately she went to the phone and began calling Jessica’s mother to find out exactly where she was in Maine.
After talking with Jessica’s mother and getting the information she needed Betty called Jessica’s hotel and left a message for her to return the call just as soon as she got in no matter what time it was.
Jessica had just returned from the evening with Robert and was going to her room when the desk clerk called to her and told her she had a message at the desk. When she read it she wasn’t quite sure if she should call this late or not. Deciding to wait until morning she went off to her room and called it a night. The next morning her phone rang early, it was the desk clerk telling she had a phone call. Being connected the voice at the other end said “Hello Jessica, this is Sarah’s Aunt Betty.” Good morning”, Jessica replied. “Listen, I know this sounds crazy but Herb and I want to bring Sarah up to you and let her see if this dog you have found is Buddy.” “Mrs. Cunningham I am not sure that’s a good idea at this point, you see I don’t know if this is Sarah’s dog or not and I haven’t been able to get close enough to him to tell anything about him. This might be a big disappointment for her if it doesn’t work out. However it all seems to fit, but still I am not sure about this.” Jessica said. “Listen, Buddy had a birth mark in his right ear that looked like the head of a rabbit. If you can catch him look and see if the birthmark is there.” Betty said. “Okay, I have a friend here named Robert that can help me. I will call you as soon as I know something.” With that Jessica hung up the phone and started to get dressed for the day.
Now things were being put on the fast track and she must contact Robert to see if he could help find Buddy. She didn’t know if she should call or go by his office, but then she didn’t know where his office was, but in a small place like this it wouldn’t be hard to find she thought. Deciding to call first to make sure Robert was in she picked up the phone and dialed his number. Someone answered the phone “Cross Real Estate.” “Robert is that you? This Is Jessica” she said. “Listen Robert I really need your help right away so tell me if this is you are not. Robert sensing an urgency about her voice replied “Yes this is me Jessica. How can I help you?” Can I come over and talk with you?” Jessica asked. Robert was anxious to help Jessica with anything so he invited her over. “Sure, come on over,” he said as he gave her directions to his office.”
Upon Jessica’s arrival she explained the urgency in finding Blackie to make sure he had the identifying birth mark. “Well,” said Robert “I can take the day off and see if we can find him if you would like.” He really liked the idea of being able to spend some time with Jessica and just maybe she might start liking him a little better. “We’ll take my SUV so we can cover some of the off road areas he might be in.” Robert said. Jessica agreed.
By afternoon they had covered most of the village and surrounding area with no sign of Buddy also known to the villagers as Blackie. Robert had notified the locals that they were searching for him and would check back from to time to get any reports, but it was as if he had vanished off the face of the earth.
It was getting dark with snow clouds rolling in and the temperature began to fall. The wind was blowing in from the ocean as the weather began to turn nasty cold. It was getting impossible to see anything let alone a black dog. “Jessica,” Robert said, “I am afraid we aren’t going to be able to find him in this storm especially now that it is getting dark.” “I know,” Jessica conceded, “But I hate to give up.” “Why don’t we wait until the morning and start over again.” Roger asked. “Okay with me. We will get an early start if that’s alright with you, okay? With that Jessica sighed with disappointment that they had failed to find the elusive dog.
Roger carried Jessica back to his office to get her car so she could return to the hotel and rest for the night. Upon returning to the hotel she had messages from Betty and her mom wanting to know if she had been successful in finding Buddy. She didn’t want to call Betty with the news but felt she must tell her how hard it might be to find Buddy and to be truthful she wasn’t even sure if it was him. Calling Betty she told her they had searched all day and had not seen any sign of the dog but they would try again tomorrow. Calling her mother was easier and the small talk helped relax her until the subject of Robert came up. For the first time she had to admit there was something about him she really liked. Hanging up the phone she laid back in the bed thinking about Robert and the time they had spent together looking for Buddy and just how caring he seemed to be. It was late so she was ready for bed when the phone rang. It was Robert with news about Buddy.
The Phone rang and Jessica looked at the clock next to the bed and it was a little after ten-thirty. She wondered who would be calling this late as she answered the phone. The desk clerk informed her it was Robert and asked if she wanted the call. Hoping for some good news she agreed to take it. “Hello Robert, what’s happening?” she asked. Robert started with “I have some distressing news Jessica about Blackie or Buddy which ever you want to call him.” With a deep concern to her voice she answered “What is it?” Robert continued, I got a phone call from a man that has a reputation around the village of being a little untrustworthy. He called to say he had the dog we have been looking for and if you want him it is going to cost you some money. First he wants one-hundred dollars just for you to look at him and then if it is the dog you are looking for he wants another one-hundred dollars for you to take him. This guy is a drunk and will do just about anything for money. I am surprised he isn’t asking for more. I don’t know what to tell you Jessica, it’s your call. If you want I will take you out to see him in the morning. There isn’t much sense going out there tonight as it is a rough section of the village and I wouldn’t want to take you there in the dark.
The next morning Robert drove to the hotel and picked up Jessica and together they drove into the country a short ways and turned down a dirt road. The road was lined with run down shacks and old wooden boats on both sides of the road. In front of some of the houses were abandoned cars that had almost rusted away with the interior stripped out of them. Jessica was glad Robert suggested they wait until day light to come out here. Robert pulled his SUV into a driveway and shut off the engine. “This is it,” Robert said. Both Robert and Jessica got out of the SUV and walked towards the old wooden shack and stepped up on the front porch. Robert knocked on the door as Jessica looked around and thought how sad for anyone to live like this. They both waited for someone to come to the door and was about to walk around to the back of the house when the front door opened. “Good morning Mr. Cross.” The man said. “Good morning to you Jack. Under any other circumstances I would say it was good to see you.” Robert replied. “Well let’s see what you have.” Robert insisted. “There is the business of the hundred dollars first.” The man said. “Look Jack, no one is paying anything until we know what you have. You might have taken someone else’s dog and holding it here for all we know.” Robert said angrily. “I am a little upset about the whole business and it really proves the kind of person I have always imagined you were.”
“Okay, then I suppose we are finished here aren’t we?” With that the door slammed shut. “Now look what you’ve done!” Jessica was angry and stepped to the door and beat on it as if she would knock it down. “Open the door please” She insisted. Nothing but silence came from inside. “Please mister open the door and let’s talk,” she pleaded. “Not until I see some money” a voice inside replied. “Okay, here is your money, now open the door.” Jessica insisted again. The door opened and the man stepped forward and asked “Where’s the money?” Jessica reached into her pocket and pulled out the hundred dollars and offered it to him, then pulled it back and asked the man to describe the dog he had. “Ma’am it’s the same old black dog that has been hanging around here for the past five years that everyone calls Blackie.” He said. With that Jessica handed him the money. The man turned and went back in the house and put on a coat, then he stepped out on the old wooden porch and said follow me.
He took them to the back of the house near an old wooden shed that looked as if it would fall down with the next wind that blew in from the ocean. Under a lean-to Jessica could see an old black dog inside a live-trap afraid and trembling from the cold. “Couldn’t you at least have had the decency to cover the cage from the wind and snow?” Jessica asked angrily. “Ma’am that dog is lucky I ain’t shot him years ago. That dog has been a nuisance ever since I seen him come up off the beach. He followed me home that day and I fed him and do you know how he repaid me?” Holding up his hand so Jessica could see a large scar . “He bit me when I tried to put him in the shed.” “That dog has never bitten anyone in the village.” Robert countered. “You must have handled him rough or he was hurt and you provoked him didn’t you?”
“Now Mr. Cross, I ain’t never provoked anyone or anything in my whole life.” He said with a laugh. Jessica took a piece of rope that was hanging from a post and opened the cage door all the while speaking softly to the dog. He raised his head and he listened to her voice and never moved. Jessica stroked him on his back and head all the while watching for any reaction from him that he might bit her. Robert took the rope from Jessica and made a loop in one end and handed it back to her. She ever so gently placed it over his head draping it around his neck, pulling gently she said, “Come on boy, let’s have a look at you.” With that the old black dog got to his feet and walked out of the cage all the while looking at Jessica as if he had just found an angel.
Looking into the dog’s eyes Jessica could see a forlorn look as if he had just about given up on life. Running her hands along his head and brushing his ears back she found his hair felt like wire. His coat was in bad shape but a little tender love and care would take care of that. Then she pulled his right ear up so she could see if he had the birth mark. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she embraced his head into her bosom and said “Hello Buddy. There are some folks that will be glad to see you.” Jessica stood up and reached into her pocket and pulled out some money and gave it to Jack and said thank you for calling Robert. You have no idea what you have done. Think of it this way. Santa Claus is real and you sir are him.
Turning to Robert she said let’s go find a vet and have Buddy checked over. Robert and Jessica drove back to town with Buddy. Stopping at the local vet’s office Jessica carried Buddy inside and told the vet to bath him and check him over and she added, ”Please give him something to eat.”
On the way to the hotel Jessica turned to Robert and asked “When is the Christmas program going to be held?” Tomorrow night.” Robert said “Would you like to go?” “Yes I would”, Jessica said and this is what I want you to do for Sarah.” Jessica then told Roberts her plans.
Back at the hotel Jessica couldn’t wait to call Mrs. Cunningham to tell her the good news. During the conversation Jessica asked “Mrs. Cunningham have you told Sarah anything about what has been going on concerning Buddy?” I have started to but I was waiting for your call to make sure you had really found him.” She said. “Don’t tell her anything and this is what I want you to do.” And then Jessica told her of her plan. Mrs. Cunningham agreed and told Jessica they could be there in two days.
When Jessica had finished talking with Sarah’s Aunt she turned to the package she had just received sent to her form her mom. As she opened it she found pictures of Buddy in his younger days sitting next to Sarah with a Christmas tree in the background. Once again tears filled her eyes as she said “What a Christmas this is going to be.”
Jessica had given Robert a request to give the village choir to do another performance just for Sarah’s benefit. Robert went to the Burgomaster of the village and told him Sarah’s story, how the village stray Blackie tied into all of it. “The story is amazing,” the Burgomaster said. “I am sure everyone will be glad to pitch in to make this a very special Christmas for her and Blackie.
Sarah was less enthused about making the trip to the upper part of Maine, but Aunt Betty and Uncle Herb were not going to have a “no” for an answer. Packing up and moving Sarah out of the house at Christmas was no small task, but both Herb and Betty were up to the job.
The night of the Christmas celebration was beautiful as everyone in the village turned out to hear the choir and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Before the choir began to sing Robert stood before those attending and asked for their attention. ”Tomorrow night we are going to have a very special guest. Her name is Sarah Cunningham she is seventeen years old. Five years ago she lost her family off the coast of our village in the great nor’easter that blew through here. She was thought to be the only survivor but recently we found out Blackie, the town stay was on that yacht with Sarah and her family and he somehow made it to shore here in Cross. Tomorrow Sarah and her guardians are coming to Cross to be reunited with Blackie known to them as Buddy. Sarah knows nothing about Blackie being alive she thinks he drowned with the rest of family. Sarah has not walked since the accident. Being bound to a wheelchair we are told she has given up on life. Let us hope and pray her Buddy will inspire her to live again. I have spoken with our village Burgomaster and he has agreed to help us celebrate with Sarah this wonderful Christmas gift. So Tomorrow night we will all gather here for another night of singing and celebration but Sarah is to know nothing about Blackie until the Choir starts to sing “Silent Night”. That is when we will bring out her Buddy, known to us as Blackie and present him to her.”
Jessica was now seeing Robert in a new light and for the first time she felt she was falling in love with a man she could spend the rest of her life with. The Village was excited about being a part of this great reunion and decided they would do all they could to make Sarah and her people feel at home.
Jessica couldn’t wait for Sarah and her guardians to arrive. It was a night filled with her emotions running everywhere. Robert had now taken a new focus in her life and she was trying to figure a way to let him know how she felt. She was hoping that somehow things might come to the point she could let him know without being too forward. Robert certainly let her know he was interested in her. He returned from the platform and took his seat next to her and then she got the impulse to reach out and take his hand. As she did he turned to her with a smile on his face as she said to him, “Thank you for all that you have done.” You will never know how much this has meant to me.” He kept a firm grip on her hand through out the performance and every once in a while he would look her way and smile. When the choir had finished everyone was reminded to be back tomorrow night for the special performance. Robert walked Jessica to the hotel and for the first time she allowed him to kissed her good night.
Jessica’s head was spinning with all that was going on and sleep that night would be hard to come by. Robert said as he was leaving that he would call her in the morning and together they would go pick up Buddy. “That would be great,” Jessica replied and they parted for the night.
The next morning Jessica was filled with new found energy and hurried to get ready. Robert called by nine 0’clock and said he was on the way. Arriving at the vet’s office Jessica and Robert were given the good news. Buddy was in good shape despite all he had been through. Once inside all of his former training began to come back. He walked on a leash loved being the center of attention. His fear of man was about gone. Jessica brought along the toy that was in the package as she pulled it out she offered it to Buddy. He sniffed it but didn’t show any interest in it. But then Jessica pulled out a scarf that had also been put into the package and that got his attention. He began to be excited and wanted to sniff the scarf and investigate it more. His tail began to wag back and forth as he barked and whined. Robert remarked, “He remembers that scent.” I hope this turns out like I have hoped it would.” Jessica said. “Well let’s take Buddy out to my place where he can have the run of the house until tonight, okay?” “Sounds great to me” Jessica said. Checking out with the vet Buddy looked better with a bath and his coat brushed. Buddy enjoyed the ride out to Roberts and acted as if he had completely forgotten everything he had been through. Once at the house Buddy was invited inside while Robert began to prepare lunch.
Turning to Jessica “You are staying for lunch aren’t you?” He asked. “Well since I don’t have a ride back I suppose I will have to.” Jessica laughed. As Robert was busy with the food Jessica had an opportunity to spend time with Buddy. It was a miracle, the once shy elusive dog was now relaxed and enjoying her company. Jessica spent most of the day at Robert’s learning more about him and his family. She like what she heard and saw and decided he would be a very good catch but she would take it slow until she was more assured of how he felt about her. It was a little after three when she decided it was time for her to go back to the hotel. Perhaps Sarah and her Aunt and Uncle had arrived already and she could meet them.
Robert took her back to the village and sure enough Sarah had just arrived at the hotel and was in the lobby sitting in her wheel chair. Sarah wasn’t a happy camper and was demanding to know why she had been brought to this place. For her it was too close to some bad memories. Jessica walked over and introduced herself to Betty and Herb. After some small talk Jessica turned her attention to Sarah and said, “You have asked why you have been brought here, let me just say tonight will be the most memorable moment of your life in a long time. I promise you will be totally swept away.” Sarah was caught off guard by Jessica’s remarks and asked “Who are you?” My name is Jessica. I am a distant cousin of yours and I have so looked forward to meeting you for the last few days. You are more beautiful than I ever imagined.” You are kind to say that”, Sarah said. “But have we met before some where?” she asked. Jessica looked at her and said “I don’t think we have. But I am looking forward to seeing you again tonight.” Jessica turned to Betty and Herb and said “I know you must be tired so I will let the desk clerk show you to your rooms and I will call on you later. The festivities will begin at seven at the park across the street. I will be glad to escort you to your special seating area. So if you will be in the lobby, say about ten minutes till seven we will walk over together.” With that Jessica went to the elevator and up to her room.
Robert called at six thirty to see how things were going and told Jessica he would meet her at the park. Buddy would be hidden from view until it was time for Sarah to see him. Sarah was having a hard time dealing with memories of Cross. She knew the village was close to where the boat went down in the storm and she was recalling Buddy barking and being afraid as the storm raged. When Sarah’s dad radioed the Coast Guard their position he ordered everyone on deck fearing the boat was going to break up. She remembered seeing Buddy for the last time as he was washed overboard. It was then the boat hit the reef and broke apart throwing her into the ocean. She didn’t remember much after that because of the pain she was in with both of her legs broken. The news that her parents were drowned and Buddy was lost took the life right out of her. Returning to her own home with her dad’s brother and his wife to look after her was a blessing, but it still didn’t make things any better for her emotionally.
Sarah waited patiently for the evening at the park. She just couldn’t figure out why they had to come all this way to hear some Christmas carols being sung by a village choir. It would be cold outside so she wanted to be dressed warm with her favorite heavy coat. Finally Aunt Betty said it’s time to go. Pushing Sarah’s wheel chair they made their way to the hotel lobby. Jessica was waiting to escort them to the park. A special area had been set aside just for Sarah close to the platform. Robert showed up and told Jessica every thing was in place. The Choir leader stood before the people and began to speak directly to Sarah.
“Sarah, tonight is a special performance just for you. We hope you enjoy the music and inspiration of the Christmas spirit as we raise our voices of praise in celebration of the birth of Christ. Tonight a miracle will take place just for you. And now we begin. The village people had come as promised and even some from the surrounding villages. Cross had never seen so many people at any of its Christmas festivals. The choir’s voices were outstanding as they were inspired by the story of their own hero an unlikely old black stray dog. Sarah listened with her heart and for the first time since the accident she found joy in the sights and sounds of Christmas. Robert slipped away with Jessica as the choir began to sing Silent Night and brought Buddy to the front of the platform close to Sarah. At first Sarah didn’t notice Robert, Jessica and Buddy, she was listening to the music as if she was hearing it for the first time. “Woof, Woof” Sarah was startled at first, but that bark sounded familiar. Then again “Woof, Woof” Buddy had seen Sarah and was pulling against the leash trying to get free. Sarah looked at Buddy and slowly pushed her shawl aside, moved her feet to the ground, lifted herself from the wheelchair and stood for the first time on her own since the accident. She moved toward Buddy and fell to the ground. Buddy could not be restrained any longer and tore away from Robert’s hold. As Jessica watched in tears Buddy ran to Sarah and fell into her arms as the entire village watched through tear stained eyes applauding as the two of them found each other after so many years apart..
That Christmas in the small village of Cross Maine will always be remembered as the one that all the stars of heaven looked down and smiled. As for Jessica and Robert, they will always remember the old black dog that brought them together and renewed a spirit of love in a heart that had been filled with pain and sorrow. Sarah and Buddy’s story is to remind you that all good things come to those who wait and believe that by faith joy cometh in the morning. Merry Christmas to all.
The end
In recent years there lived an old dog in a fishing village in upper Maine. He hung out around the fishing boats and the town pub hoping for a hand out. Most folks called him Blackie, others called him trouble as he often got into the garbage cans looking for food thrown out from the locals that live there. You could see him darting in and out of the ally ways and making his way down the streets most any time of day. His favorite hang out was near the school where he would watch the children come and go. Often some of the kids would offer him a left over sandwich, which he would almost swallow whole.
No one knew where he came from but there were rumors he came ashore in a storm one evening. A nor’easter that was one of the strongest there had ever been recoded. There were some fishing boats lost at sea that day and there was one particular yacht that was lost with all hands except for one twelve year old girl who by some miracle was picked up by the Cost Guard alive but was in very serious condition. The girl was taken to a local hospital where she spent more than a month in recovery before she was taken in by her Aunt and Uncle. Now orphaned by the storm she didn’t speak for a long time about the loss of her parents, nor what actually happened that day. Her name was Sarah a bright young girl but with both legs severely broken she was bound to a wheel chair and was told she may never walk again. This village being a beautiful place for pictures, photographers would often visit this small little fishing village and photograph the harbors and the ships tied at dock with their fishing nets draped from the masts. It was December and the scenes of Christmas were everywhere with the sounds and smell of the season in the air.
It was at this particular time a photographer, a young lady came to the village to take some snap shots to use in an advertisement for a magazine she worked for in New York. She had often visited the area and loved the people and the atmosphere. This year was exceptional with the snow fall and the shops being decorated with the evergreens and the colors of Christmas hung everywhere. There was one shop that she just fell in love with its colors of bright red, green, and gold with a large wreath hanging in the window. She turned to take a picture and then realizing there was a strange dog standing underneath it she hesitated for a moment and then snapped it anyway.
Several days later while making her rounds she came in contact with the strange black dog again. She stopped and looked at him as he gazed back at her. It was strange but she couldn’t help but feel there was something special about this old black dog. He looked tired and the cold winter was taking its toll on him. She tried to call him over to see if she could give him a pat on the head, but he would have none of it and disappeared into an ally. “Don’t waste your time trying to pat that old dog.” A voice said. She turned to see an old man with a heavy beard and a weathered face standing behind her. “He’s been hanging around these parts for years now. “Some folks say he came from the sea late one evening after a storm had wrecked some ships out there.” Some folks say he came from a burned out family that moved off and left him.” The old man said “How long has he been here?” She asked. “Oh maybe about five or six years now, could be longer.”
With that she left and went back to the hotel she was staying at and wondered about a story she had heard from her distant relative about a cousin of hers who lost her parents in a storm at sea about that same time and in the same area. She recalled them having a dog with them on that trip. She wondered if it could be the same dog now years older?
Sarah’s life had been sad since she lost her parents and no matter what the doctors said about her being able to walk Sarah refused to get out of the wheel chair. Life for her had become her room, her pictures and her memories.
Back at the hotel Jessica decided to call her mother to find out how things were back home. After the small talk she asked, “Mom, do you remember cousin Sarah’s accident when she lost her parents?” “Yes I do.” Her mom replied. “What can you tell me about her dog that was with them?” Jessica asked. “Gosh honey I don’t remember much except he was a black Lab I think.” Her mom answered. “Sarah has never gotten over loosing that dog as well as her parents.” She concluded. “Mom do you or any one else happen to have a picture of that dog?” Jessica asked. “Why? Why would you want to know that?” her mom asked with a puzzled voice. “Never mind right now. I might just be exaggerating or I may be looking at a ghost from the past.” Jessica replied.” There is a dog here in the village that has been hanging around as a stray for about five years. That is when Sarah lost her parents in the storm. This black dog is thought to have swum ashore during the storm and has been hanging around here ever since.” “Honey that’s impossible. The Coast Guard said no one could have survived in that water for very long. Sarah was very lucky to be alive. . I am sure it’s not the same dog.” Her mother said.
Still not satisfied Jessica once again asked, “Mom please see if you can get me a picture of the dog and send it to me at the hotel by over night mail. I am not going to leave here until I am satisfied this is not the same dog. I have heard how much that dog meant to Sarah and if this is the same one then I am going to try and bring him back with me.” “Have you lost your mind?” Jessica’s mother asked. “You be careful and don’t take any chances with that old stray dog, you understand me Jessica?”
With that Jessica and her mom said good bye and Jessica spent a sleepless night thinking about the old black dog. The next morning Jessica was up early and walking the streets with her camera in hand looking for the dog that had now become an obsession to her. When she would stop someone and ask about the dog people would look at her as if she were strange. She was walking along the sidewalk and was stepping into the street when suddenly she was struck by a young man ridding a bicycle. The impact sent him tumbling onto the pavement knocking her down as well. Jessica jumped to her feet only to find she couldn’t stand. She then crawled over to the man lying on the pavement to see if he was hurt. He was lying motionless with a big gash on his forehead. “Help somebody, help.” She cried. People rushed over to lend a hand. “Why its Robert Cross” one bystander said. “Is he hurt someone else asked.” I don’t know. He is out like a light.” Someone else added. Jessica asked for someone to call an ambulance to carry him to the hospital. Robert began to move and tried to sit up. Jessica took hold of him and said “Don’t move someone has called an ambulance to take you to the hospital. You have a nasty cut on your head and it is bleeding badly.’” “Oh I’ll be okay in a minute” he said and tried to get up and past out again.
At the hospital Jessica got her injured ankle wrapped and waited to see how Robert was doing. Finally the doctor came out to dismiss Jessica from the hospital and she took the opportunity to ask about Robert. “He’ll be just find.” The doctor said. “Just a bump on the head. A few stitches and he’ll be like new.” Will he be going home today?” Jessica asked. “Sure. By the way he was asking about you. You might want to stick around he will be coming out in a few minutes. You must be that photographer lady everyone has been talking about?” the doctor said. Jessica was surprised to hear she had become someone of interest in the village. “Everyone has been asking about me?” she asked. “Well it’s like this young lady. It’s not every day a beautiful young girl comes to this town by herself.” With that the doctor turned and went back inside the large double doors that led to the emergency room clinic.
Jessica waited for Robert to walk out of the double doors for about twenty minutes and was about to give up when Robert appeared. He paused for a moment and said ’You must be Jessica?” And she replied “You must be Robert?” “I have seen a lot of women before, but I have never been literally knocked out by one before.’ Robert said. Jessica was a bit embarrassed by what had happened and began to apologize. “I am so sorry. I hope you will be okay?” Jessica said. Robert beginning to get his wits about him answered “The only way I am ever going to have a complete recovery is for you to go out with me tonight. Doc said I might have to have constant supervision for a while just in case I have a fainting spell.” Jessica had been hit on by guys before but never like this. “I don’t know? I a have a lot to do and I’m expecting a phone call tonight that I really need to get.” “Boy friend, husband?” Robert inquired. Jessica shot back with “No its my mother as a matter of fact.” “Oh?” Robert said, “So you’re a momma’s girl.” “No, it’s not like that at all. Look, I have to go, maybe some other time okay.” With that Jessica left and went back to the hotel.
Wanting to know more about Sarah’s accident she began to make a list of people who she thought might shed some light on what had happened. Sarah was a second cousin to her mother and had been distant from her family. Sarah’s father came from money and he himself was a very good business man and had acquired a great deal of wealth. With his death and the death of his wife everything went into a trust for Sarah. Sarah was an only child and that was about all Jessica knew about her.
Jessica couldn’t stand it any longer so she called her mother on the phone. “Hi mom, have you been able to get me a picture of the dog?” she asked. I have done better than that,” her mom replied. I have gotten you some information about him and Betty is sending me one of Buddy’s favorite toys. Just as soon as it‘s delivered I will send it to you at the hotel. It turns out that Buddy was a Christmas present from Sarah’s dad and he was two years old when the accident happened” “How did you get all of that information?” Jessica asked. “It’s a long story.” She replied. “You see ever since the accident Sarah has believed Buddy to be alive. She has held on to that hope all of these years. She has kept everything of Buddy’s just as it was since the day they left for the cruise to Nova Scotia. “Then Sarah is living in the same house as she did with her parents?” Jessica asked. “Yes,” her mother said. The will stated that Sarah could live there as long as she wanted so her Aunt and Uncle sold their property and moved into the house with her. As soon as she turns twenty-one then she will become responsible for her own welfare and her Aunt and uncle’s obligation to her is over.”
“So when do you think I will get the package?” Jessica asked. “In about three days.” Her mom said. “Okay mom. I love you and I will talk with you later.” With that the conversation was over. Jessica went down to the hotel lobby to get a cup of coffee and read the local news paper. She has sustained a nasty sprained ankle when she was hit by the bicycle so getting about wasn’t all that easy. Once down stairs she went to a table by a front window which faced the town square. In the middle of the square was a park with a huge Christmas tree with bleachers erected facing a platform next to the tree. When the waitress came over to get Jessica’s order Jessica asked, “What going on at the park?”. “Oh, that,” the waitress answered. “We always have a Christmas celebration every year over there. The village choir will get together Friday night and the Christmas tree lights will be turned on during the celebration. Jessica thought that would be four days from now, maybe she might still be around to see it.
The next morning Jessica was awaken to a beautiful snow fall. It apparently had been snowing all night as the ground was completely covered. Her first thoughts were to get out as soon as she could and try to find Buddy known to the villagers as Blackie. She had been lazy that morning and slept later than usual so the morning was almost gone by the time she got started. Walking through the village streets on her sore ankle she looked into every ally and back path she could find. She must have looked suspicious to those who saw her, but nevertheless she kept up the search. On the outskirts of the village she came upon a shop of sorts that had as its proprietor an old man. He was dressed a little different from most folks as his clothes were a little on the worn side and needed pressing. He was smoking a crooked old pipe but the most remarkable thing about him was his crystal blue eyes that looked as if they could see straight through you.
Rummaging through the articles he had laid out she came across some strange looking objects and asked about them. “Oh that is an old fisherman’s hook.” He said. That is used to hook the big fish and draging’m abroad.” “Do you pick up much stuff washed up on the beach?” Jessica asked. “Some” replied the old man. The North Atlantic can be treacherous at times and a lot of cargo and other stuff will wash up after a wreck. Looking in a corner she spied something that really caught her eye. There was a large white board that apparently had been broken off of a ship with the name “Sarah” on it. “Where did you find this?” she inquired. “That washed up on the beach after the big nor’ ester a few years back.” He replied. “That was the biggest blow we had seen in a century.” Sinking into deep thought she asked “Tell me, do you recall ever seeing a black stray dog hanging around the village?” “You mean the one they call Blackie?” he added. “Yes, that’s him. Tell me if you can, when was the first time you saw him?” “Don’t reckon I can do that,” He said. “Think for a moment” Jessica asked, “could it have been around the time of the nor’easter a few years back?” “Now that you mention it, it was the next morning I saw him right out there on the beach. He was soaking wet and dragging himself along as if he was on his last leg.” “How much for that board with the name Sarah on it?” she asked. “Oh I couldn’t sell that,” he said. It’s a piece of the past that belongs to these parts and needs to stay right where it is,” the old man said. Then Jessica began to tell her story to the man about Blackie and who she thought he really was and where he came from. She told him about Sarah and her parents and how Sarah had never walked again after the accident and how she still believed the dog to be alive. Then she asked once again how much for the wooden piece with Sarah’s name on it?
Having bought the wooden plaque of the sunken yacht she hurried back to the hotel to get her car so she could go back and pick it up. Arriving at the hotel the desk clerk told her something had been delivered to the hotel for her. Trying to imagine who would have sent her anything she watched as the desk clerk placed on the counter top a beautiful dozen red roses with a card on it. and said “Seems you have made a big impression on someone here in the village young lady.” Slightly embarrassed she took the flowers and hurried to her room. Opening the card she read. “Hope you are free for dinner tomorrow night. I would like to see you under different circumstances”, Signed Robert.
Having driven out to the old man’s junk shop and retrieved the name plague from the boat she was back in her room trying to put together the puzzle surrounding Blackie who may be Sarah’s Buddy when she got a phone call from the front desk. It was Robert so not wanting to be rude she answered the phone. “Hi Robert,” she answered. “Look Jessica I really would like to see you. I understand you have been asking about the old black dog everyone calls Blackie? How would you like to meet him face to face?” Now that he got her attention, but she was leery thinking maybe this was just a ploy to get her to go out with him. But he really wasn’t bad looking, as a matter of fact he was down right handsome. “So how can you arrange that?” she asked. “Well he and I are on first name basis he answered. He comes around the house a lot and I leave food out for him. There has been a time or two he has actually let me touch him,” Robert said. “So you want me to come to your house and wait to see if he shows up?” Jessica asked. “Look Robert, you seem a to be nice guy, but I am not interested in dating or any kind of relationship with anyone at this time and if that is your motive for telling me about the dog then you can just forget it,” Jessica replied. “Well I must admit that is part of the reason I brought up the dog, but I really think you owe me after knocking me to the pavement and bursting my head open. But then I am interested in knowing why you are so interested in that dog?” Robert let his voice drop waiting for the answer he was looking for. “Look,” Robert said if you would just tell me about you and the dog maybe I could help in some way. “Okay,” Jessica said “I will meet with you but not at your house.” “Great I know a nice restaurant just down the road a piece where the food is great and there are lots of people so you won’t feel uncomfortable with me. I will pick you up at the hotel at six O’clock. Is that okay? Robert asked. “Sure I’ll be ready.” With that Jessica hung up the phone.
Robert was right on time and the drive out to the restaurant was down a lonely dark highway for about fifteen miles. Robert talked all the way there trying to make Jessica feel comfortable and letting her know as much about him as possible. By this time Robert was hooked on Jessica.
Jessica found out Robert operated a real-estate office there in the village he started when he graduated from college. He had been engaged once but it didn’t work out. He hadn’t met anyone he was interested in since, but he was making a big to do over Jessica and she knew it. She didn’t offer Robert any information about her self at this time wanting to keep the relationship on a business basis.
Once at the restaurant Robert escorted Jessica in and found a table next to the fireplace. It was a rustic setting and the decor fit the area’s appeal to boats and harbors along with the birds found in the area. After the meal was ordered Robert began to asked questions of why Jessica was in the area. She explained she worked for a magazine and was a photo journalist. She had come to the area to take pictures for a magazine cover and article when she noticed the village dog named Blackie. It was then she explained her interest in Blackie and Sarah’s tragic story. “if this is Sarah’s dog then I want to take him back with me so I can give him to her for Christmas,” Jessica concluded.
Robert thought for a while and then said, “Suppose Blackie doesn’t want to go back with you? Maybe he likes it here and wants to stay.” Jessica was a little angered at Robert suggesting that Blackie would like it better living out in the cold and starving to death when there was a home waiting for him where he would be taken care of, for in her mind she was already convinced Blackie was indeed Sarah’s long lost dog named Buddy. “Look,” Jessica said with a little bit if harshness. “I have made up my mind that Sarah is going to get a chance to see if this is really her lost dog and if not then he has found a home with me!” “Oh my gosh, what have I just said Jessica thought? Now she was on the hook for sure. She had just taken in an old stray not knowing anything about him. What if he was wild and ---- what am I going to do with a dog living in an apartment. Now she had stuck her foot in her mouth big time.
Robert sensing Jessica’s determination decided to let the subject drop. After an evening meal Robert drove Jessica back to the hotel and dropped her off. Jessica hoped the package would arrive soon so she could finish her business and return home to New York.
On the New England coast another drama was playing out. Sarah’s Aunt Betty was contemplating of telling Sarah about Jessica and perhaps Buddy may have been found. Betty decided to talk it over with her husband Herb before attempting to tell Sarah. His big concern was what if it wasn’t Buddy and what a disappointment this would be for her if it turned out all wrong. Sarah was having a very bad day and the pain in her legs was getting worse with the muscle cramps. She hated the exercise and refused to do them even though the doctor told her if she ever wanted to walk again she needed to do the physical therapy to build back the strength in her legs. Sarah spent much of the day in her room which had become a shrine of sorts to her parents and Buddy. There were pictures of Sarah with her parents ridding horses, spending time on the yacht. One of her favorites was a picture of Buddy the Christmas she got him. He was a cute black ball of energetic fur getting into everything and going everywhere, pulling on the gifts under the tree, tearing into the wrapping paper. But the picture she cherished most was one of him licking her face as she lay on the floor with him. Buddy had a birth mark inside one of his ears that resembled the head of a rabbit, so he came close to being named Rabbit, but Sarah decided to name him Buddy instead.
As Buddy grew he and Sarah were inseparable except when she was in school. Buddy had figured out the time of the afternoon when Sarah would come home and meet the car at the driveway. Barking and running as fast as he could he would race to the house taking the short cut across the field. Once when Sarah was very sick Buddy stayed by her side until she was well enough to be up and about. Then there was the time Sarah was thrown from her horse and couldn’t get up. Buddy ran back to the house for help and brought the family back to Sarah’s side. Sarah always thought her parents and Buddy would always be around at least until she became an adult. Her life was changed in an instant with the ship wreck. The Coast Guard said in the storm the boat without power was driven into the reefs and sank within minutes of the collision. A distress call from the ship’s radio had caused the Coast Guard to dispatch a ship and helicopter to the location, but by the time they arrived all they could find was Sarah amongst the ship’s debris floating in her life jacket her father had put on her. The collision with the reef was so violet Sarah was thrown from the ship hitting both legs on the ships railings. If the Cost Guard hadn’t gotten there as soon as they did she would have drown as well.
Sarah’s life was now aimless and without meaning. She didn’t care to go out or to be with other people. Each year seemed to get worse for her. Aunt Betty in a desperate attempt to do something to bring Sarah back to a life with hope decided to do something risky.
Betty approached Herb and stood looking at him for the longest time. Herb watched Betty and knew she was about to say or do something. Finally Herb said, “Okay Betty let’s have it. I know you have some hair brain idea about doing something so just get it out.” “Herb I want to take Sarah to Jessica. I want to take her to that village in upper Maine where the dog is.” Betty was very determined but at the same time not wanting to over power Herb with this idea of hers. “Have you thought this over Betty? Just suppose this doesn’t work out, if this dog isn’t Buddy what will happen then. And have you thought just how disappointed Sarah will be if this doesn’t work out.” Herb suggested. “Where there is faith and hope there is always a way to make things right.” Betty said. “I just have a feeling about this,” she said. “Trust me on this one. First I will call Jessica’s mom and find out where she is and you and I along with Sarah will make the trip there.” Betty seemed to be so pleased with her self at that moment she was almost giddy. Immediately she went to the phone and began calling Jessica’s mother to find out exactly where she was in Maine.
After talking with Jessica’s mother and getting the information she needed Betty called Jessica’s hotel and left a message for her to return the call just as soon as she got in no matter what time it was.
Jessica had just returned from the evening with Robert and was going to her room when the desk clerk called to her and told her she had a message at the desk. When she read it she wasn’t quite sure if she should call this late or not. Deciding to wait until morning she went off to her room and called it a night. The next morning her phone rang early, it was the desk clerk telling she had a phone call. Being connected the voice at the other end said “Hello Jessica, this is Sarah’s Aunt Betty.” Good morning”, Jessica replied. “Listen, I know this sounds crazy but Herb and I want to bring Sarah up to you and let her see if this dog you have found is Buddy.” “Mrs. Cunningham I am not sure that’s a good idea at this point, you see I don’t know if this is Sarah’s dog or not and I haven’t been able to get close enough to him to tell anything about him. This might be a big disappointment for her if it doesn’t work out. However it all seems to fit, but still I am not sure about this.” Jessica said. “Listen, Buddy had a birth mark in his right ear that looked like the head of a rabbit. If you can catch him look and see if the birthmark is there.” Betty said. “Okay, I have a friend here named Robert that can help me. I will call you as soon as I know something.” With that Jessica hung up the phone and started to get dressed for the day.
Now things were being put on the fast track and she must contact Robert to see if he could help find Buddy. She didn’t know if she should call or go by his office, but then she didn’t know where his office was, but in a small place like this it wouldn’t be hard to find she thought. Deciding to call first to make sure Robert was in she picked up the phone and dialed his number. Someone answered the phone “Cross Real Estate.” “Robert is that you? This Is Jessica” she said. “Listen Robert I really need your help right away so tell me if this is you are not. Robert sensing an urgency about her voice replied “Yes this is me Jessica. How can I help you?” Can I come over and talk with you?” Jessica asked. Robert was anxious to help Jessica with anything so he invited her over. “Sure, come on over,” he said as he gave her directions to his office.”
Upon Jessica’s arrival she explained the urgency in finding Blackie to make sure he had the identifying birth mark. “Well,” said Robert “I can take the day off and see if we can find him if you would like.” He really liked the idea of being able to spend some time with Jessica and just maybe she might start liking him a little better. “We’ll take my SUV so we can cover some of the off road areas he might be in.” Robert said. Jessica agreed.
By afternoon they had covered most of the village and surrounding area with no sign of Buddy also known to the villagers as Blackie. Robert had notified the locals that they were searching for him and would check back from to time to get any reports, but it was as if he had vanished off the face of the earth.
It was getting dark with snow clouds rolling in and the temperature began to fall. The wind was blowing in from the ocean as the weather began to turn nasty cold. It was getting impossible to see anything let alone a black dog. “Jessica,” Robert said, “I am afraid we aren’t going to be able to find him in this storm especially now that it is getting dark.” “I know,” Jessica conceded, “But I hate to give up.” “Why don’t we wait until the morning and start over again.” Roger asked. “Okay with me. We will get an early start if that’s alright with you, okay? With that Jessica sighed with disappointment that they had failed to find the elusive dog.
Roger carried Jessica back to his office to get her car so she could return to the hotel and rest for the night. Upon returning to the hotel she had messages from Betty and her mom wanting to know if she had been successful in finding Buddy. She didn’t want to call Betty with the news but felt she must tell her how hard it might be to find Buddy and to be truthful she wasn’t even sure if it was him. Calling Betty she told her they had searched all day and had not seen any sign of the dog but they would try again tomorrow. Calling her mother was easier and the small talk helped relax her until the subject of Robert came up. For the first time she had to admit there was something about him she really liked. Hanging up the phone she laid back in the bed thinking about Robert and the time they had spent together looking for Buddy and just how caring he seemed to be. It was late so she was ready for bed when the phone rang. It was Robert with news about Buddy.
The Phone rang and Jessica looked at the clock next to the bed and it was a little after ten-thirty. She wondered who would be calling this late as she answered the phone. The desk clerk informed her it was Robert and asked if she wanted the call. Hoping for some good news she agreed to take it. “Hello Robert, what’s happening?” she asked. Robert started with “I have some distressing news Jessica about Blackie or Buddy which ever you want to call him.” With a deep concern to her voice she answered “What is it?” Robert continued, I got a phone call from a man that has a reputation around the village of being a little untrustworthy. He called to say he had the dog we have been looking for and if you want him it is going to cost you some money. First he wants one-hundred dollars just for you to look at him and then if it is the dog you are looking for he wants another one-hundred dollars for you to take him. This guy is a drunk and will do just about anything for money. I am surprised he isn’t asking for more. I don’t know what to tell you Jessica, it’s your call. If you want I will take you out to see him in the morning. There isn’t much sense going out there tonight as it is a rough section of the village and I wouldn’t want to take you there in the dark.
The next morning Robert drove to the hotel and picked up Jessica and together they drove into the country a short ways and turned down a dirt road. The road was lined with run down shacks and old wooden boats on both sides of the road. In front of some of the houses were abandoned cars that had almost rusted away with the interior stripped out of them. Jessica was glad Robert suggested they wait until day light to come out here. Robert pulled his SUV into a driveway and shut off the engine. “This is it,” Robert said. Both Robert and Jessica got out of the SUV and walked towards the old wooden shack and stepped up on the front porch. Robert knocked on the door as Jessica looked around and thought how sad for anyone to live like this. They both waited for someone to come to the door and was about to walk around to the back of the house when the front door opened. “Good morning Mr. Cross.” The man said. “Good morning to you Jack. Under any other circumstances I would say it was good to see you.” Robert replied. “Well let’s see what you have.” Robert insisted. “There is the business of the hundred dollars first.” The man said. “Look Jack, no one is paying anything until we know what you have. You might have taken someone else’s dog and holding it here for all we know.” Robert said angrily. “I am a little upset about the whole business and it really proves the kind of person I have always imagined you were.”
“Okay, then I suppose we are finished here aren’t we?” With that the door slammed shut. “Now look what you’ve done!” Jessica was angry and stepped to the door and beat on it as if she would knock it down. “Open the door please” She insisted. Nothing but silence came from inside. “Please mister open the door and let’s talk,” she pleaded. “Not until I see some money” a voice inside replied. “Okay, here is your money, now open the door.” Jessica insisted again. The door opened and the man stepped forward and asked “Where’s the money?” Jessica reached into her pocket and pulled out the hundred dollars and offered it to him, then pulled it back and asked the man to describe the dog he had. “Ma’am it’s the same old black dog that has been hanging around here for the past five years that everyone calls Blackie.” He said. With that Jessica handed him the money. The man turned and went back in the house and put on a coat, then he stepped out on the old wooden porch and said follow me.
He took them to the back of the house near an old wooden shed that looked as if it would fall down with the next wind that blew in from the ocean. Under a lean-to Jessica could see an old black dog inside a live-trap afraid and trembling from the cold. “Couldn’t you at least have had the decency to cover the cage from the wind and snow?” Jessica asked angrily. “Ma’am that dog is lucky I ain’t shot him years ago. That dog has been a nuisance ever since I seen him come up off the beach. He followed me home that day and I fed him and do you know how he repaid me?” Holding up his hand so Jessica could see a large scar . “He bit me when I tried to put him in the shed.” “That dog has never bitten anyone in the village.” Robert countered. “You must have handled him rough or he was hurt and you provoked him didn’t you?”
“Now Mr. Cross, I ain’t never provoked anyone or anything in my whole life.” He said with a laugh. Jessica took a piece of rope that was hanging from a post and opened the cage door all the while speaking softly to the dog. He raised his head and he listened to her voice and never moved. Jessica stroked him on his back and head all the while watching for any reaction from him that he might bit her. Robert took the rope from Jessica and made a loop in one end and handed it back to her. She ever so gently placed it over his head draping it around his neck, pulling gently she said, “Come on boy, let’s have a look at you.” With that the old black dog got to his feet and walked out of the cage all the while looking at Jessica as if he had just found an angel.
Looking into the dog’s eyes Jessica could see a forlorn look as if he had just about given up on life. Running her hands along his head and brushing his ears back she found his hair felt like wire. His coat was in bad shape but a little tender love and care would take care of that. Then she pulled his right ear up so she could see if he had the birth mark. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she embraced his head into her bosom and said “Hello Buddy. There are some folks that will be glad to see you.” Jessica stood up and reached into her pocket and pulled out some money and gave it to Jack and said thank you for calling Robert. You have no idea what you have done. Think of it this way. Santa Claus is real and you sir are him.
Turning to Robert she said let’s go find a vet and have Buddy checked over. Robert and Jessica drove back to town with Buddy. Stopping at the local vet’s office Jessica carried Buddy inside and told the vet to bath him and check him over and she added, ”Please give him something to eat.”
On the way to the hotel Jessica turned to Robert and asked “When is the Christmas program going to be held?” Tomorrow night.” Robert said “Would you like to go?” “Yes I would”, Jessica said and this is what I want you to do for Sarah.” Jessica then told Roberts her plans.
Back at the hotel Jessica couldn’t wait to call Mrs. Cunningham to tell her the good news. During the conversation Jessica asked “Mrs. Cunningham have you told Sarah anything about what has been going on concerning Buddy?” I have started to but I was waiting for your call to make sure you had really found him.” She said. “Don’t tell her anything and this is what I want you to do.” And then Jessica told her of her plan. Mrs. Cunningham agreed and told Jessica they could be there in two days.
When Jessica had finished talking with Sarah’s Aunt she turned to the package she had just received sent to her form her mom. As she opened it she found pictures of Buddy in his younger days sitting next to Sarah with a Christmas tree in the background. Once again tears filled her eyes as she said “What a Christmas this is going to be.”
Jessica had given Robert a request to give the village choir to do another performance just for Sarah’s benefit. Robert went to the Burgomaster of the village and told him Sarah’s story, how the village stray Blackie tied into all of it. “The story is amazing,” the Burgomaster said. “I am sure everyone will be glad to pitch in to make this a very special Christmas for her and Blackie.
Sarah was less enthused about making the trip to the upper part of Maine, but Aunt Betty and Uncle Herb were not going to have a “no” for an answer. Packing up and moving Sarah out of the house at Christmas was no small task, but both Herb and Betty were up to the job.
The night of the Christmas celebration was beautiful as everyone in the village turned out to hear the choir and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Before the choir began to sing Robert stood before those attending and asked for their attention. ”Tomorrow night we are going to have a very special guest. Her name is Sarah Cunningham she is seventeen years old. Five years ago she lost her family off the coast of our village in the great nor’easter that blew through here. She was thought to be the only survivor but recently we found out Blackie, the town stay was on that yacht with Sarah and her family and he somehow made it to shore here in Cross. Tomorrow Sarah and her guardians are coming to Cross to be reunited with Blackie known to them as Buddy. Sarah knows nothing about Blackie being alive she thinks he drowned with the rest of family. Sarah has not walked since the accident. Being bound to a wheelchair we are told she has given up on life. Let us hope and pray her Buddy will inspire her to live again. I have spoken with our village Burgomaster and he has agreed to help us celebrate with Sarah this wonderful Christmas gift. So Tomorrow night we will all gather here for another night of singing and celebration but Sarah is to know nothing about Blackie until the Choir starts to sing “Silent Night”. That is when we will bring out her Buddy, known to us as Blackie and present him to her.”
Jessica was now seeing Robert in a new light and for the first time she felt she was falling in love with a man she could spend the rest of her life with. The Village was excited about being a part of this great reunion and decided they would do all they could to make Sarah and her people feel at home.
Jessica couldn’t wait for Sarah and her guardians to arrive. It was a night filled with her emotions running everywhere. Robert had now taken a new focus in her life and she was trying to figure a way to let him know how she felt. She was hoping that somehow things might come to the point she could let him know without being too forward. Robert certainly let her know he was interested in her. He returned from the platform and took his seat next to her and then she got the impulse to reach out and take his hand. As she did he turned to her with a smile on his face as she said to him, “Thank you for all that you have done.” You will never know how much this has meant to me.” He kept a firm grip on her hand through out the performance and every once in a while he would look her way and smile. When the choir had finished everyone was reminded to be back tomorrow night for the special performance. Robert walked Jessica to the hotel and for the first time she allowed him to kissed her good night.
Jessica’s head was spinning with all that was going on and sleep that night would be hard to come by. Robert said as he was leaving that he would call her in the morning and together they would go pick up Buddy. “That would be great,” Jessica replied and they parted for the night.
The next morning Jessica was filled with new found energy and hurried to get ready. Robert called by nine 0’clock and said he was on the way. Arriving at the vet’s office Jessica and Robert were given the good news. Buddy was in good shape despite all he had been through. Once inside all of his former training began to come back. He walked on a leash loved being the center of attention. His fear of man was about gone. Jessica brought along the toy that was in the package as she pulled it out she offered it to Buddy. He sniffed it but didn’t show any interest in it. But then Jessica pulled out a scarf that had also been put into the package and that got his attention. He began to be excited and wanted to sniff the scarf and investigate it more. His tail began to wag back and forth as he barked and whined. Robert remarked, “He remembers that scent.” I hope this turns out like I have hoped it would.” Jessica said. “Well let’s take Buddy out to my place where he can have the run of the house until tonight, okay?” “Sounds great to me” Jessica said. Checking out with the vet Buddy looked better with a bath and his coat brushed. Buddy enjoyed the ride out to Roberts and acted as if he had completely forgotten everything he had been through. Once at the house Buddy was invited inside while Robert began to prepare lunch.
Turning to Jessica “You are staying for lunch aren’t you?” He asked. “Well since I don’t have a ride back I suppose I will have to.” Jessica laughed. As Robert was busy with the food Jessica had an opportunity to spend time with Buddy. It was a miracle, the once shy elusive dog was now relaxed and enjoying her company. Jessica spent most of the day at Robert’s learning more about him and his family. She like what she heard and saw and decided he would be a very good catch but she would take it slow until she was more assured of how he felt about her. It was a little after three when she decided it was time for her to go back to the hotel. Perhaps Sarah and her Aunt and Uncle had arrived already and she could meet them.
Robert took her back to the village and sure enough Sarah had just arrived at the hotel and was in the lobby sitting in her wheel chair. Sarah wasn’t a happy camper and was demanding to know why she had been brought to this place. For her it was too close to some bad memories. Jessica walked over and introduced herself to Betty and Herb. After some small talk Jessica turned her attention to Sarah and said, “You have asked why you have been brought here, let me just say tonight will be the most memorable moment of your life in a long time. I promise you will be totally swept away.” Sarah was caught off guard by Jessica’s remarks and asked “Who are you?” My name is Jessica. I am a distant cousin of yours and I have so looked forward to meeting you for the last few days. You are more beautiful than I ever imagined.” You are kind to say that”, Sarah said. “But have we met before some where?” she asked. Jessica looked at her and said “I don’t think we have. But I am looking forward to seeing you again tonight.” Jessica turned to Betty and Herb and said “I know you must be tired so I will let the desk clerk show you to your rooms and I will call on you later. The festivities will begin at seven at the park across the street. I will be glad to escort you to your special seating area. So if you will be in the lobby, say about ten minutes till seven we will walk over together.” With that Jessica went to the elevator and up to her room.
Robert called at six thirty to see how things were going and told Jessica he would meet her at the park. Buddy would be hidden from view until it was time for Sarah to see him. Sarah was having a hard time dealing with memories of Cross. She knew the village was close to where the boat went down in the storm and she was recalling Buddy barking and being afraid as the storm raged. When Sarah’s dad radioed the Coast Guard their position he ordered everyone on deck fearing the boat was going to break up. She remembered seeing Buddy for the last time as he was washed overboard. It was then the boat hit the reef and broke apart throwing her into the ocean. She didn’t remember much after that because of the pain she was in with both of her legs broken. The news that her parents were drowned and Buddy was lost took the life right out of her. Returning to her own home with her dad’s brother and his wife to look after her was a blessing, but it still didn’t make things any better for her emotionally.
Sarah waited patiently for the evening at the park. She just couldn’t figure out why they had to come all this way to hear some Christmas carols being sung by a village choir. It would be cold outside so she wanted to be dressed warm with her favorite heavy coat. Finally Aunt Betty said it’s time to go. Pushing Sarah’s wheel chair they made their way to the hotel lobby. Jessica was waiting to escort them to the park. A special area had been set aside just for Sarah close to the platform. Robert showed up and told Jessica every thing was in place. The Choir leader stood before the people and began to speak directly to Sarah.
“Sarah, tonight is a special performance just for you. We hope you enjoy the music and inspiration of the Christmas spirit as we raise our voices of praise in celebration of the birth of Christ. Tonight a miracle will take place just for you. And now we begin. The village people had come as promised and even some from the surrounding villages. Cross had never seen so many people at any of its Christmas festivals. The choir’s voices were outstanding as they were inspired by the story of their own hero an unlikely old black stray dog. Sarah listened with her heart and for the first time since the accident she found joy in the sights and sounds of Christmas. Robert slipped away with Jessica as the choir began to sing Silent Night and brought Buddy to the front of the platform close to Sarah. At first Sarah didn’t notice Robert, Jessica and Buddy, she was listening to the music as if she was hearing it for the first time. “Woof, Woof” Sarah was startled at first, but that bark sounded familiar. Then again “Woof, Woof” Buddy had seen Sarah and was pulling against the leash trying to get free. Sarah looked at Buddy and slowly pushed her shawl aside, moved her feet to the ground, lifted herself from the wheelchair and stood for the first time on her own since the accident. She moved toward Buddy and fell to the ground. Buddy could not be restrained any longer and tore away from Robert’s hold. As Jessica watched in tears Buddy ran to Sarah and fell into her arms as the entire village watched through tear stained eyes applauding as the two of them found each other after so many years apart..
That Christmas in the small village of Cross Maine will always be remembered as the one that all the stars of heaven looked down and smiled. As for Jessica and Robert, they will always remember the old black dog that brought them together and renewed a spirit of love in a heart that had been filled with pain and sorrow. Sarah and Buddy’s story is to remind you that all good things come to those who wait and believe that by faith joy cometh in the morning. Merry Christmas to all.
The end
About Around The Campfire
37 PostsLatest Activity: Feb 22, 2025